David Arthur  Cruz Cooley's Memorial

David Arthur Cruz Cooley
(2004 - 2004)


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General Details

Name: Mr David Arthur Cruz Cooley
Gender: Male
Lived: Wednesday, 29 September 2004 - Monday, 25 October 2004

My Story

You are my baby.
From the first time I ever imagined you.
You are my baby.
The moment I found out I was chosen to be your mom.
You are my baby.
A precious life felt within. Became my world; my closest friend.
You are my baby.
Give you life, kiss your skin, feel you close, breathe you in.
You are my baby.
Call for me; I'll be there. To calm your cries, comfort and care.
You are my baby.
Never again to wake. There right next to you for your first and last breath God said to take.
You are my baby.
You always were.
You'll forever be.
I miss you David.
You are my baby

Love mom 1/13/05

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: CruzCooley
View Memorial's Tribute
your still my baby, forever you'll be. loving and cherishing you david, bunches of hugs and kisses to you from mo...




Date of Passing: 25 October 2004
Our Wishing Well

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1,787 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: CruzCooley on 24 January 2010    |     Back to Top

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