Douglas  Cossaboon's Memorial

Douglas Cossaboon
(1989 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Douglas Cossaboon
Nick Name: "Doug" "Dougie" "Boondocks"
Gender: Male
Age: 18 years old
Lived: Sunday, 9 April 1989 - Saturday, 16 June 2007

My Story

Born April 9, 1989 to Doug and Sandy Cossaboon, Douglas Andrew Cossaboon was the birth name given; however,  "Dougie" was the name everyone immediately called him.  Once on his feet at 6 months old, he never stopped moving.  If there was a way to get to the top of something you can bet he would find a way to get there.  As a toddler he would climb on top of the monkey bars just to say he did it.  As a grade school kid he would climb to the top of the highest tree just to say he did it.  As a teenager, there were no limits.  He would try a little of everything like being creative in arts, acting in drama, or excelling in every kind of  sport.  Whether it was a tree, mountain or simply on top of his dad’s shoulders he found a way to get there…his way.

At the young age of ten, Dougie knew what he wanted for his future.  It was written in a 5th grade report about himself that after graduating school he wanted to get a job as a construction worker like his dad and run heavy equipment.   Little did he know then that  just one day after graduating high school he would be accepted as an apprentice into the Local 825 Operating Engineers Union just like his father, uncle, grandfather, and great grandfather. 

As a son, he is the world to his Mom and Dad. When he was small he would always be full of questions.  One day, he asked his Dad,  "Dad, I have a question, where do flies go when it rains, can they still fly?"  If he wasn’t sleeping, he could be found outside. His pockets were always full of dead worms, rocks and whatever he found during the day.    He is their baby, their boy,  their young man, and they were always so proud of him even if they had a different way to express it.  Sometimes big Doug  would tell Sandy not to yell so loud when Dougie played ball, but she would do it anyway screaming at the top of her lungs,  "That’s my boy, way to go baby!".  Yes, there were times Dougie made his parents mad, but he made them laugh so much more. Whenever he went on his Ninja, he always gave his mom a big hug, told her not to worry, and that he loved her very much. She will always remember those hugs; they felt so good.  They will miss his laugh, but he will  be in their hearts forever.  When Dougie was small his mom asked him what he thought God looked like.  Dougie whispered "He looks like Pop-Pop Groves."  Now Dougie is with his Pop-Pop.

As a brother, he is someone his sister is very proud of.  At the age of 12, Holly was so excited to get the sibling she always wanted to play with.  Holly couldn’t say enough about Dougie.  She was always talking about what activities he was involved in and how he excelled at them.  She smiles when she  recalls Dougie’s wish when they were kids  to ban the height requirements on roller coasters at all amusement parks.  There were countless times Doug and his sister clowned around that will never be forgotten. 

As an uncle, there were no limits to his tender love for Noah and Lyla.  Whenever they were together Uncle Dougie was involved with their activities whether it was playing video games,  rolling around on the living room floor or learning new card tricks.  Just last week, he introduced Noah to tree climbing and a skunk.

As a cousin, there will be no substitute.  From the oldest to the youngest cousin the connection was close.  Every cousin has learned something unique and special from Doug.  From little things like how to flip off a diving board to the much larger like making the best of things and the ability to make others laugh.  Each had a special relationship with Dougie, he wasn’t just a cousin; he was a friend.  There are so many different memories shared between each one.  Whether it was a fishing trip, a game of hide and seek, walking around  in a Japanese kimono, or even listening to his own comical adventures, they are all moments that will always be remembered and cherished.  There isn’t and never will be a better cousin to have.

As a nephew, Dougie made his aunts and uncles so proud that he was part of the family.  They loved hearing about his latest achievements whether it was academics, art, football, baseball, soccer, golf, wrestling, basketball, BMX riding, hunting, fishing, camping, skating, skiing, paintball, swimming or rock climbing.  Then they would "brag" to their friends and co-workers about him.  To Dougie it was never about the trophy or recognition but just about having fun.  He simply could not be held back from testing his strength and pursuing his vigor for life.    He was so entertaining to all and always made them smile.

As a grandparent, from the very beginning they were in awe of this adorable baby.  He demonstrated his agility well before he was a year old, and from then on, nothing could stop him.  Everything he did he loved, and he challenged himself to be the best he could be.  At the same time, he was well mannered, considerate, and a joy to be around anytime.  They are so proud to be his grandparents.

Regardless of their relationship to Dougie, each family member will always hold a special place in their hearts for him.

Dougie, we love you and thanks for showing us how to live life everyday to it’s fullest.  Mom and Dad wish to say, "Sweet dreams my baby. We love you!"

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: babylove
View Memorial's Tribute My name is glory i saw your profile today at and became intrest...
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From: netter
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It's near Christmas again...and I still miss you more than ever. I know you're saying Mom, I'm fine, so wipe away yo...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: AuntD
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You gave us all so many memories to keep in hearts forever. From climbing to the top of the monkeybars when just a li...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: AuntD
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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: brookie
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I hope everything went good this weekend for the benefit. Sorry I could not make it home. I keep the family and dougi...
Flower Memorial Tribute
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Your memory lives on through your sister, brother-in-law, nephew & niece. They have the most wonderful stories & mem...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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Dougie, your friend Justin wrote on a plastic cup....nothing's the same without you and I couldn't have said it bette...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: MelB
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I can still see you jumping off of my moms couch and landing into that split.. It amazed me everytime you did it, jus...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: BigSis
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I'll always remember our last time together (June 15, 2007). At the crack of dawn you rode with us to the Philadelph...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: BigSis
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This is to let you know you're loved and kept in my heart forever. I will miss you always and smile everytime I thin...


Fathers Name: Doug Cossaboon
Mothers Name: Sandy Cossaboon
Siblings Names: Holly Horvath
Country of Birth: USA
City of Residence: Millville



Date of Passing: 16 June 2007
Cause of Passing: Motorcycle Accident
Place of Burial: Mount Pleasant Cemetary
Funeral Director: Tom Foley
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