Joseph  Lampe's Memorial

Joseph Lampe
(1936 - 2006)


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General Details

Name: Mr Joseph Lampe
Gender: Male
Age: 70 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 29 September 1936 - Monday, 2 October 2006

My Story

Our beloved Father and Husband Joseph F. Lampe departed this earth on October 2, 2006, but he is not forgotten nor will he ever be.  

He was a kind man, a good father, and a good husband.  When you needed help or answers, Dad was always there to advise you. There was nothing he didnt know or could not do.  He was a man of great knowledge and many talents.

 He was our Father, our  friend and one of God's own living earth angels.  In times of trouble - he always just knew that things would work out,  for his Faith in God  would shine  through him daily.

His beloved devotion to  Mom,  the Church,  work,  family and  friends was always there, and when he did  that simple beautiful smile of his, - - Gods gift of life would light up and  shine through our Dad - Joseph Lampe.

With Love Dad
Your daughter, Patti Kendrick

Latest Tributes

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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: pattycake800
Song Name: Peace in the Valley
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: pattycake800
View Memorial's Tribute


Fathers Name: Joseph F Lampe
Spouse's Name: Mildred M Lampe
Children's Names: Darrel Patrom, Patti Kendrick, Melvin Hocking
Siblings Names: Ann, Mary, Andy, Edward, John Paul
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Fort Smith
Occupation: Military
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: Arkansas Razorbacks
Favourite Music Genre: Country


Place of Passing: Fort Smith Arkansas
Date of Passing: 2 October 2006
Cause of Passing: Complications of heart surgery
Type of Funeral: Military
Place of Burial: Fort Smith National Military Cementary
Funeral Date: 4 October 2006

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5,732 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: pattycake800 on 25 May 2008    |     Back to Top