Elissia  Noble's Memorial

Elissia Noble
(1956 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Elissia Noble
Gender: Female
Age: 52 years old
Lived: Monday, 5 March 1956 - Tuesday, 1 April 2008

My Story

Every single person is unique in their own way, but anyone who knew Elissia will know that she was absolutely one of a kind who looked at life and did everything in her own particular style. Practical and precise, sometimes to the point of being pedantic, she always took the straightest line between two points and was the living embodiment of common sense, while at the same time always thinking of others and offering help and ideas to anyone who needed them.

Above everything she loved her family and friends, and was one of those people who are very good at keeping in touch with everyone and often being the centre of activity, by virtue of her impeccable communication skills and adept use of any avaiable media and technology, including email, skype and of course the telephone. She had a wide circle of friends from many different circles - the Take 20 jazz choir, old school friends, workmates from working at architects offices to running her own secretarial services, along with a close-knit inner circle of friends whom she could always rely on when help was needed, which it sadly was on many occasions in the last few years from when she first contracted breast cancer, up to her final days in the Marie Curie Centre.

But despite suffering the added tragedy of losing her beloved mother Phyllis to cancer  five years ago, Elissia was determined that her plight would affect her life as little as possible, and continued to do as much as possible and see as many people as she could, whenever she could. As she often said, the words "should have" were not in her vocabulary, and she always "did" - including making all the preliminary arrangements for her own funeral today, and many will be sure she is observing to make sure that everything is being done correctly

Although not religious in the traditional sense, she was intensely proud of her Jewish heritage and family background, from her renowned grandfather Boris Bennett and wife Julia, to all her loving aunts, uncles, cousins and many nephews and nieces. Her stepfather Jan had son Peter both travelled far to be at her funeral and of course Elissia loved her Swedish and Czech connections and extended family. Above all, her brother Paul, his wife Avi and their two daughters were a consistent source of strength and pleasure to Elissia, and she always looked forward to their visits from New Jersey, however short. Paul's middle name happens to be David and she also had two other important David's in her life, who both provided love, friendship and companionship, and whom she could especially depend on in the good times and the bad.

Elissia had an enormous honesty and sense of what is right, and how to live a good and decent life. She never married but truly valued all her relationships with friends and family alike. She was at her most proud, and in her element, when she organised her 50th birthday party in Hampstead just two years ago, when she gathered together all the people that meant so much to her, sang with Take 20, and pulled it all off in a quite brilliant and memorable way.

She wouldn't want anyone to be too sad or distressed at  her passing. The illness was just a distraction, and death an inconvenience, which she was more than prepared for, showing amazing courage and retaining her sense of humour and enquiring mind right up until the end, when she left us peacefully and with the minimum of fuss, in exactly the way that she wanted.  We can all be proud of her.

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Memory Memorial Tribute
From: mjb
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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: mjb
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I still miss you and remember with a smile when you talked about "Huge Grunt" You were such fun and so brave. Aunty...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: carole33
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Dear Elissia, I miss you very much. I go past your place almost every day, and whenever I sing I think of you, e...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: DaveG
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She loved music. When we first met it was a shared fondness for the music of Kate Bush that brought us together and ...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: DaveG
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In the years I was lucky enough to know Elissia as a partner and then as a friend, I got to know what a loving, talen...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: donnlaw
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Shocked and saddened at Elissias passing. We were friends in the early to mid nineties and personal distractions drif...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: David26
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Visit the Marie Curie Great Daffodil apppeal - any donations in Elissia's name welcome: http://www.mariecurie.org.uk/...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: David26
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We met in 1978, then became a couple, living together from '78 until '81, after that best friends, but always there f...


Country of Residence: United Kingdom
City of Residence: London
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Judaism


Favourite Charity: Marie Curie Cancer Care


Place of Passing: Marie Curie Hospice, London NW3
Date of Passing: 1 April 2008
Cause of Passing: Cancer

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6,115 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: David26 on 3 April 2008    |     Back to Top