Elmer Howard Turner, Jr's Memorial

Elmer Howard Turner, Jr
(1971 - 2008)


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Reach Out Messages:

Thank You so much for this beautiful site. I read your comments about taking on some of Elmer attributes. Yes, I think this does happen when we loose someone close to us. Having lost my twin sister at a young age I have often found myself responding to things in a way that is not my own. I except this as her gift to me and I also except that its okay to feel whatever I feel about things. I don't owe anybody any explanation for my grief, and anger any more than I need to explain my joy when I think of her.. Much love to you. I miss Elmer and all of his wisdom, humor, and playfullness. Thank you again for providing this space where we can all appreciate him and share our thoughts about the loss of this beautiful cousin of mine. - lavette

General Details

Name: Mr Elmer Howard Turner, Jr
Nick Name: El, Lil El, E, Popa, Tony, Skip, efudd, Oaktown
Maiden Name: (Muhammad)
Gender: Male
Age: 36 years old
Lived: Monday, 26 April 1971 - Friday, 25 January 2008

My Story

Elmer H. Turner, Jr. was born April 26, 1971 in Oakland, California to the proud parents of Lynette and Elmer Turner, Sr. Growing up with the love of his family especially his Grandparents Curtis and Alma Turner, Elmer graduated from St. Bernard’s Elementary and St. Elizabeth’s High School of Oakland, California.  After graduating from the Marine Corp. in 1990, he traveled the nation extensively [1]. 

Elmer was able to balance life in so many ways.  He enjoyed his profession [2] and somehow he had the ability to teach others so much he learned from his formal education, family, as well as from “the school of hard knocks” [3].  In search of truth and the meaning of life, Christianity and Muslim faith helped form his great spirit [4].  From experience in Silicon Valley to Las Vegas and later returning to the Bay Area, he claimed comfort in finding his most rewarding job with Bombardier.

Elmer was passionate about life, intelligent, strong, opinionated, happy, and fearless with a commitment to family [5].  When in town the family get-togethers, especially the cousins gathering were a must. He met and married his childhood sweetheart, Yolanda Cotton in 1994 [6].  They took great pride in raising their children.  Although we knew he worried about his kid’s happiness and future, fatherhood was pleasing to El.  He made raising Mufasaa, Shah, and Aliyah his primary focus in life.  But “all work and no play” was not his motto.  He liked to hang out with his friends.  Salivation Army, CYO and other long term friendships were his hallmark.  Once a trusted friend many became his “friends for life” [7].

Elmer was preceded in death by his wonderful grandfather Curtis Turner, Sr., Uncle Curtis Turner, Jr., and Grandmother Dolores Early.  He leaves to mourn his wife Yolanda Turner, sons Mufasaa and Shah and daughter Aliyah, mother Lynette Early and father Elmer Turner Sr., Grandmother Alma Turner, brothers Darnell Mooring and Harun Turner, Uncle Joseph Early, Aunts Dorothy, Marion Turner-Riley, Wanda (and Geary) Johnson, and Zoline Turner, as well as very close cousins and other extended family, friends, and associates that will miss him dearly.   We love you El !

~ Written by El’s Aunt Wanda ~

[1] Traveling the nation mostly happened for Elmer while in the U.S. Marines. He traveled to many states within the country including Florida, Memphis, TN, San Diego, CA, and the Carolina’s. He also visited Mexico. After the Marines he visited Chicago, IL and Boston, MA, in addition to moving to Las Vegas, NV. We can also take this sentence figuratively as he did much traveling and exploration amongst the Nation of Islam and black “family” in general.

[2] Elmer’s profession began in the Marines with electronics were he received certification May 24, 1991 as a technician in miniature repair. He continued his education by attending Avionics School. He always loved planes and wanted to use his detailed skills on them until he realized the politics in the commercial sector and the pressure he would feel. Soon there after, he became certified in Fiber Optic repair as he knew the future was moving towards this type of data streaming. Around the turn of the century (c. 1998-2000), Elmer attended Silicon Valley College as he entered the IT world to become a Systems Network Administrator. He loved Computers and often referred to himself as a geek. He took on jobs dealing with internet security, internet streaming media, and data storage. His opportunities dwindled in Las Vegas but managed to find a job or two in computer repair including certification in Toshiba laptop repairs. His most recent resume (not including his job at Bombardier) will be posted in the photo section.

[3] Education was very important to El. Formalized education and the “paper” (degree) one would receive upon completion were not as important to him as the purity of the facts taught on and the opportunity to receive that knowledge wholesome and without hidden agenda’s. So El discovered much of his knowledge from books and from intimate dialog. From the ghetto street dwellers to the most civilized suburbians, he took knowledge from anywhere it presented its self. He shared all his findings with all who would listen and would do so for hours on end (a Turner trait!). Educating the youth and the black community was what he lived for.

[4] Spirituality needed to be logically defined and was best defined by the Nation of Islam. His love of history and religion often tied in together as did his respect for structure and disciple of men when fighting for a cause. The motive behind his spirituality was that of which he expressed in any forum – truth! He felt that the NOI expressed truth to those who had been deprived and fed those who were “hungry” for righteousness. Elmer was a soldier till his dying day. He grew up Catholic however which made him diverse and knowledgeable on what he spoke. To express his religious passion and to help ensure his children stay on the straight and narrow, we named each child with purpose and based those from Arabic or Swahili languages.

[5] “Elmer was passionate about life, intelligent, strong, opinionated, happy, and fearless with a commitment to family” This sentence speaks perfectly as to his primary characteristics. There are other secondary characteristics that we all are familiar with in the way that we needed to know this intense man, in what we needed to LEARN from this man. The only thing I would add is his pain. He had many tribulations and a deep seeded pain that moved me to the deepest levels. I believe his passions stemmed from that pain. Through pain we meet our God, we connect with our true spirit, and hopefully it moves us to make the world a better place…as it did so for Elmer.

[6] We met during high school in 1986 through camp friends. After high school I went into college and he went into the military. The summer of 1993 we both coincidentally ran into each other at CYO summer camp were he was working fresh out of the Corp and were I was volunteering as I often did during the summer break. We talked all night long getting reunited and becoming familiar with our beliefs and future goals. Elmer ended the conversation by telling me quite directly that he was “sprung” and that he would never leave my side. I thought he was crazy because I wasn’t interested in him! Now 14 years and three children later I can sit here and tell you that his word was bond – he never left my side. This is how I know he is not gone now. He has only stepped ahead of me to lay the carpet for us all to walk on after him.

[7] Relationships were extremely important to Elmer. His friends for life were those who he chose to let into his world and those who could tolerate the price paid to be there. Every one of us is stronger for having known this man, undoubtedly. He once said to me “I would die for you”. I thought that was a weird thing to say but now I really understood why he said that. I’m sure we all have some memory that now makes sense, now that he has finished his work here and we can see hind-sighted. It’s a bit strange how Elmer held so much bundled and tied tightly inside but now that his body has past on and can not contain the super-concentrated compacted spirit, the “powder keg” has burst and miniscule particles of clarity and emotion have been released into cycling air streams which we will breathe into our bodies and consume as oxygen.

The struggle continues!

~ Additional commentary provided by El’s Wife Yolanda ~


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You can contribute to the memorial website via http://elmerturnerjr.memory-of.com/ or by emailing me at cottonturner@gmail.com   

Taken from Elmer's Yahoo Profile:
Interests: Music, Ridin, Cooking, Music, Making money, Computers, Good Conversations, Traveling, Learning, and Knowledge

Taken from Elmer's MySpace Profile:

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Flower Memorial Tribute
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God Bless You Elmer
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Chelly
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remember when you Brian and Dan got jumped by the lighter shades, lol yall was lit! You felt bad and promised to get ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Chelly
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Beautiful family E, so blessed. We know your still with us in spirit.
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Chelly
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Love you Yolanda, I know your blessed to have the strong spirit of your husband around you. Love ya! Michell
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Chelly
View Memorial's Tribute
True to the heart in all he believed and loved. I love you E and can still hear us debating about religion and what e...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: CaliBrotha
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You were my rock when I did have anyone else to talk to
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: CaliBrotha
Song Name: It's So Hard To S...
Artist: Boys to Men
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: CaliBrotha
View Memorial's Tribute
I miss you homie!
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Luther
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lavette
View Memorial's Tribute
You are loved and sorely missed. May your fire be reborn in those that came to this earth through you. May your passi...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: MSA5
Song Name: Under My Umberella
Artist: Rihanna
View Memorial's Tribute
You protected me - and I protected you ...under our um-ber-ella, ella, ella, ...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: MSA5
Song Name: I Still Cry
Artist: Mariah Carey
View Memorial's Tribute
I will always cry for the loss of your spirit, the loss of your friendship as...


Fathers Name: Elmer H. Turner, Sr.
Mothers Name: Lynette Early
Spouse's Name: Yolanda Cotton-Turner
Children's Names: Mufasaa Turner, Shah Turner, Aliyah Muhammad
Siblings Names: Darnell Mooring, Harun Turner
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Oakland, CA
Occupation: Information Technology & Telecommunications
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Islam


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: Raiders (football) & A's (baseball)
Favourite Book: The Holy Quran
Favourite Music Genre: Rap and Hip-Hop
Favourite Artist: 2pac
Favourite Charity: NOI
Other Interests:
people, history, religion, music, computer networking, friends, Town biz.


Place of Passing: Oakland, CA
Date of Passing: 25 January 2008
Cause of Passing: Enlarged Heart
Type of Funeral: Non-Traditional Religious
Place of Burial: Chapel of the Chimes - Columbarium, Crematorium, Mausoleum, and Funeral Home
Plot Number: Entombment Location: Adoration West > Tier 1 > Space 13
Funeral Director: Tom Morrison
Funeral Location: 4499 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA 94611 | Phone: 510-654-0123 | Website: http://www.lifemarkgroup.com/oakland/
Funeral Date: 2 February 2008

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Harold Dean Cotton
1937 - 1999

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10,725 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: MSA5 on 22 May 2008    |     Back to Top