Elspeth  Newberry's Memorial

Elspeth Newberry
(1935 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Elspeth Newberry
Nick Name: Elly
Gender: Female
Age: 72 years old
Lived: Wednesday, 25 September 1935 - Sunday, 23 March 2008

My Story

Eulogy For My Grandma Newberry (march 23, 2008)

My grandma, a great-grandma, an auntie, a sister, a mom, a friend, this world has lost a very special and important person. Her body is gone but her soul and sprit will live on forever and never be forgotten. My grandma is one of the strongest people I have ever met. She has changed the life of tons of foster kids, her own kids and her grand and great grand children.  She has touched the lives of everyone she has met. There wasn’t a day that went by that she wasn’t teaching me something new. I lived right beside her for the last 3 years of her life and I believe that formed the bond me and my grandma have to this day. Every time I got new clothes I walked over and showed her. She would give me her opinion and made sure I felt good in what I was wearing. That is one of things I will miss the most just seeing and hearing her say to me “that looks great” or “good pick”.  My grandmother was one for traditions and family. She has so many traditions that I will keep passing down to my kids and grandkids. Like going to St. Amant pool for Uncle Chris’s birthday and having the family over for dinner just for the heck of it. Family always came first to her and she always put others before herself. My grandma is an amazing person. Do you know of anybody who could take care of newborns at the age of 72? I do! My grandma. She loved those babies and truly wanted to give them a better start to life then there own mothers could. I can remember taking a cab with her and one of her foster babies and we took him to the hospital for a check up. She let me be like his mommy. Those are times I took for granted. My grandma was a fighter and stood up for what she thought was right. I got this characteristic from her for sure. I think everyone in this room knows about my grandmother’s stubbornness. She always wanted her way no matter what even when she was in the hospital. I always want my grandma to know that she didn’t give up and I’m not disappointed at her at all. She fought longer then anyone thought she would. She had her good days and bad but pushed through. She had a smile on her face right until God said to her “Its time to come with me, come be with your husband”. My grandma would want everyone in this room happy and living with the memories of her. She has had a great impact on my 15 years of life and will continue to have an impact. Family get together won’t be the same anymore. There won’t be the joy and warmth in the room that she brought every time she entered a room. She will be watching over us and protecting us from up above. She has gone to place where there will be no more suffering and she has now become a survivor from Cancer and not a victim because she has found the place she is meant to be in. She’s comfortable and relaxed sitting on the fluffy clouds watching us celebrating her life. I know she is proud of me and I will keep trying to make her proud. The pain of her loss is still very imminent and will always be there. One thing I have learned from this experience is to never give up when things get tough. I believe my grandma showed that and never gave up at all. She is my hero and always will be. I’m so proud of her and her fight. I will live on to tell my kids and grandkids her legacy and make sure she will always be known. I love her so much and hope she knows that. Grandma, you are my hero, my friend, my grandma and most importantly my angel up above. Please protect me and guide me along my way. My pain of you is still here and never will be gone but I can’t wait till we meet again someday. I love you so much.    


Love You Always and Forever

      Your Granddaughter,

          Ashley Elizabeth

          March 23, 2008


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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: ashley5993
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Grandma I light this candle in rememberance of you. We do this tradition every christmas. i love and miss you so much...


Fathers Name: Jean
Mothers Name: Andy
Spouse's Name: Ray
Children's Names: Doug, Pamela, Debra, Sandra, Tracey, Scott, Christopher, Angelica and Cece
Country of Birth: Canada



Place of Passing: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Date of Passing: 23 March 2008
Cause of Passing: She fought a 49 day battle with Cancer.
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