Gage Parker  Barnett's Memorial

Gage Parker Barnett
(2008 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Gage Parker Barnett
Nick Name: Little Lion
Gender: Male
Lived: Monday, 31 March 2008 - Sunday, 27 April 2008

My Story

Gage Parker Barnett was born on March 31, 2008, four weeks before he was suppose to be born.  We knew that Gage was going to have a rough time when he was first born, he was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrone when I was 26 weeks pregnant.  His condition meant that he would have to have a total of three surgeries.  The first was to be done at 2-3 days old, the second at 4 - 6 months old and the third at 2 - 3 years old.

At 7:30 pm on Monday, March 31st Gage came into this world.  He was 6lbs 14 oz and 19 inches long. Not bad for 4 weeks early.  I was able to hold him for a few minutes before he was taken to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Boston Children's Hospital. 

Two days later he had his first surgery.  On the way into the operating room, Gage had a cardiac arrest.  He required 16 minutes of CPR.  Although the surgical procedure seemed to go fine, the doctors were worried about what damage may have been caused from the arrest.  Three days after the surgery, Gage had another cardiac arrest.  This time the doctors had to move fast and they put him on the ECMO machine.  This machine would save his life but as we were told, there is a cost to every procedure that they do in the CICU.

A couple of days after going onto ECMO, Gage was diagnosed with a brain bleed.  It would get worse over the next few days.  He ended up having a grade 4 brain bleed with some additional brain damage.  There was no telling to what extent his damage was.  We had to wait to see if his cardiac functions were going to be strong enough to support life before we could worry about the brain bleed and possible damage. 

Gage stayed on ECMO for 12 days.  He came off the machine and the doctors did not hold much hope for him. They were worried about the amount of support that he required from the machines and from the medicines.  Around 4 am the next morning, Gage stabilized out and the nurses were able to start going down on his meds.  He was doing great.

The next few days seemed to be really good. As a mom, I began to think that maybe Gage was turning a corner and starting to recover.  Maybe a few more weeks and I would be able to take my precious baby boy home.

Then one Tuesday morning, the nurses let me know that Gage's white blood count had increased and they began treating for infection.  None of the cultures that they had taken had grown, but they had to act on the side of caution, for Gage's sake.

One of the meds that they use for infections has a side affect of kidney failure.  Gage's kideny's failed him and the doctors came to tell us that they were not going to be able to give us a baby to take home.  We now had to decide the final days of Gage's life.  We could either keep him on the medicines and machines and allow the infection to take over his body and shut down his organs one by one or we could allow Gage to have a peaceful death.

The agony of making a decision like this is one that I would not put on my worst enemy.  Being religious I went to my preist to speak with him.  After a few hours with him, my husband and I knew what we had to do. 

Gage spent his last day with his mom and dad, he also had visitors that included, all of his grandparents, his older brother, one of his uncles and an aunt, and two of his second aunts. 

This would be the first time that his dad ever held him. 

Gage passed away on Sunday, April 27th at 3:36pm in his mom's arm while I sang a soft lullibye that I and sang just for him. 

We know that Gage is at peace, but we miss him so much.  He touched our lives and the lives of so many other people in just the short amount of time that we had with him.  Although we mourn his death, we will always need to remember to celebrate his life.

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Tonight is New Year's Eve. Daddy and I spent it with Tucker while Hunter was with Nina and Pa at GrandPop's house. I ...
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Sometimes the pain is so much. My heart just aches to hold you. There is no one in the world who understands this fee...
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I can not believe that it was 6 years ago today that I held you in my arms as you took your last breathe. My heat ach...
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From: kimberly516
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Today would be your 6th birthday! It feels like forever since I last had the opportunity to hold you. Not a day goes ...
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From: kimberly516
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Tomorrow would be your 6th birthday. I can not believe it has been that long since I held you last. I ache to hold yo...
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Your birthday is right around the corner. Next Monday is your sixth birthday. I can not believe it has been six years...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: kimberly516
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Missing my little man tonight, well every night, but a lot tonight.


Fathers Name: Greg
Mothers Name: Kim
Siblings Names: Nathan, Hunter, and Tucker
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Catholic



Place of Passing: Boston Children's Hospital
Date of Passing: 27 April 2008
Cause of Passing: Kidney Failure - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrone
Type of Funeral: Family
Place of Burial: N/A
Plot Number: N/A
Funeral Director: Mulhane Home for Funerals
Funeral Location: Millbury, MA
Funeral Date: 3 May 2008

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7,915 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: kimberly516 on 11 May 2008    |     Back to Top