Happy birthday, Dad. I think about you every day.
just wanted to say iam about to deploy this friday and hope you will be up there watching over me.
just wanted to say merry christmas glen
hey glen miss ya dave.....
Just wanted to let you know I'll be there soon with you
Dad, it's your birthday and anniversary today. I hope that you know how much we love and miss you. I keep thinking about the day Jack was born. You were so sick but nothing was going to stop you from being there when he was born. He has your strength and your charm. I wish you could be here to see him now. I love you.
This whole town reminds me of you, Dad. I can't turn a corner without thinking of you. I miss you more than you know. I hope you're still watching out for us because we need you. Whenever Jack sees the tattoo on my foot he points at it and says "PaPa!" I love you.
hey glen shure miss ya
a big part of my hart is missing
i never thought i wouldnt have you to fall back on
i was always able to get around the real issues in my life by cracking a joke on just not talking about them but you always knew
you always made it easy for me
for the first time in my life idont have anyway to get around the fellings im having now
unable to reachout to you