Hayrettin  Bitmen's Memorial

Hayrettin Bitmen
(Unknown - 2012)


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General Details

Name: Dr Hayrettin Bitmen
Nick Name: Hayro
Gender: Male
Lived: Unknown - Sunday, 8 April 2012

My Story

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From: aaltan
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Fathers Name: Hüsamettin
Mothers Name: Hayrünisa
Spouse's Name: Rüknettin
Children's Names: Tacettin
Siblings Names: O Nekine
Country of Birth: Pitcairn Islands
Country of Residence: Belarus
Occupation: Healthcare & Medical
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Gnosticism


Favourite Sport: Aerobics
Favourite Team: FB
Favourite Book: Why so early
Favourite Movie: Gone with the wind
Favourite Music Genre: Country
Favourite Artist: Hüseyin Baradan
Favourite Charity: Üçün Biri Denizin Feneri


Place of Passing: Tunceli
Date of Passing: 8 April 2012
Cause of Passing: alkol komasi
Type of Funeral: camide
Place of Burial: Sanliurfa
Plot Number: 37
Funeral Date: 9 December 2012
Our Wishing Well

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nurettin bitmen
2012 - 2012

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676 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: aaltan on 8 December 2012    |     Back to Top

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