Ingrid  Thornberry's Memorial

Ingrid Thornberry
(1954 - 2006)


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General Details

Name: Mrs Ingrid Thornberry
Nick Name: Gisela
Maiden Name: Klein
Gender: Female
Age: 51 years old
Lived: Thursday, 21 January 1954 - Monday, 2 January 2006

My Story

My mother..Ingrid Elisabeth Klein Thornberry was born in Germany to Manfred and Annemarie Klein on January 21,1954. She raised five children ...Larry Thorpe,Nicole Thorpe,Chris Thorpe,Angela Thornberry and Cathy Lynn Thornberry.She had 14 grandchildren.She is survived by her mother Maria Klein. One brother Wolfgang Klein and two sisters...Renate Liebig and Gertraud Pietz who all still reside in Germany.

My mom was the best mother anyone could ever ask for. She was a little on the wild side but we all loved her more than life itself. She made our lives very interesting. We miss her everyday but she is in all of us and in so much that we do. We will always remember the way she laughed  and mispronouned certain words. She was devoted to her children and her grandchildren. Her chichuhua Minnie was her baby and passed shortly after she did. There is not one day that doesn't go by that something happens and it reminds me of her. She just simply was the best and no one will ever replace her in out hearts.

Latest Tributes

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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: nicole
Song Name: go rest high on t...
Artist: vince gill
View Memorial's Tribute
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: nicole
View Memorial's Tribute
If I could've given you mine...I would have.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: nicole
View Memorial's Tribute
I love you mom and my you R.I.P


Fathers Name: Manfred Klein
Mothers Name: Maria Klein
Children's Names: Larry Thorpe,Nicole Thorpe,Chris Thorpe,Angela Thornberry,Cathy Lynn Thornberry
Siblings Names: Wolfgang Klein,Renate Liebig,Gertraud Pietz
Country of Birth: Germany
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Vancleave
Marital Status: Divorced
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Music Genre: Country


Place of Passing: Ocean Springs,Ms.
Date of Passing: 2 January 2006
Cause of Passing: heart attack
Type of Funeral: Memorial Service
Place of Burial: Cremation
Funeral Director: Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home
Funeral Location: Ocean Springs,Ms.
Funeral Date: 6 January 2006
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2,100 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: nicole on 28 May 2008    |     Back to Top

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