Rob  McClure's Memorial

Rob McClure
(1971 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mr Rob McClure
Gender: Male
Age: 37 years old
Lived: Sunday, 1 August 1971 - Saturday, 27 December 2008

My Story

James Robert McClure (Rob) of Portland, Maine died Saturday, December 27, 2008. Born in South Bend, Indiana on August 1, 1971, the family moved to Maryland in 1984. He graduated from Franklin High School in 1990 and attended Valparaiso College. He graduated from World School of Massage certified in massage, reiki and kinesiology. He taught kinesiology and massage at McKinnon Institute of Massage in San Francisco. While living in Oakland, CA he practiced and co-owed Back to Life Wellness Center. Rob was an avid reader and loved to travel. He had lived in Indiana, Maryland, California, Oregon, London, Thailand, Cambodia, Honduras and Maine. 

Surviving are his children Kiri and Jaya, their mother Jacqui McClure of Maine, mother Rebecca McClure of Reisterstown, father James & Wendy McClure of Cape Coral FL, brother Chad & Suzanne McClure, niece Samantha McClure of Westminster, grandmother Dorothy Lockwood, aunts and uncles Beth & Chris Brooks, Amy & Mark DeWulf, and Cindy Hatfield.

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: REBimorial
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I recently came across this imorial for Rob. I was a client of both Jacqui and Rob when they worked in Alameda. Rob...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: REBimorial
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I recently came across this imorial for Rob. I was a client of both Jacqui and Rob when they worked in Alameda. Rob...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Kristan
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I am an old friend and just found out about the loss of Rob;s energy here on earth.. I am deeply saddened to find out...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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My heart goes out to Robs family. You are in my prayers.
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Luther
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: kaylabottoms
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taken way too soon but i am sure u will never be forgotten. good night god bless. xx
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Leitha
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My heart goes out to you and your family.
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: CBrooks
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I met Rob when I found my Beth. We were never blessed with children and in many ways Rob was Beth's. I was more for...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Marg
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My memory of Rob is always a happy one whenever I met up with him and Jacqui as I helped baby-sit when they were in O...
Comment Memorial Tribute
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We are truely saddened to hear of Rob's passing. However, his spirit will always be present in our memories of his c...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kdewulf
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What a wonderful, caring, loving man... You will live in on in our hearts forever. With love, Keith, Kristin, Mason...


Fathers Name: James McClure
Mothers Name: Rebecca McClure
Spouse's Name: Jacqui McClure
Children's Names: Kiri & Jaya McClure
Siblings Names: Chad McClure
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Portland, Maine
Occupation: Trades & Services
Marital Status: Divorced
Religion: Not Religious


Favourite Sport: Soccer


Place of Passing: Portland, Maine
Date of Passing: 27 December 2008

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9,145 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: mcclurec on 8 January 2009    |     Back to Top