Janet  Kennedy's Memorial

Janet Kennedy
(1960 - 2012)


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General Details

Name: Mrs Janet Kennedy
Nick Name: "MOM"
Maiden Name: Almond
Gender: Female
Age: 51 years old
Lived: Sunday, 13 March 1960 - Wednesday, 18 January 2012

My Story

Janet's Story

Well i guess janet's story is like every other persons but so very different... Janet has always been a mom to first her brothers and sister so her mom could work and then to her son Jason and then to her nephews whom she later adopted Johnny and Jeremiah and then a mother to me her daughter in law... Then to count less other people who she helped in one way or the other But Janet was more then a mom she was also my best friend.. She was more of a sister/Mom James, Duck and Dee she was there friend...I don't think I have ever know a mother and son that was closer than Janet and Jason...They could talk about anything ...Janet was ALWAYS there for him know matter what he did...Then there is Johnny and Jeremiah she spoiled them boys and was always there for them... And Her husband Elmer they was together 27 years they have been though ALOT together but they stuck it out and was together til the end..... Janet had the most amazing mother ever Grandma Alma whom she is now with rasied Janet and her brothers and sister right you would not find a more loving family anywhere...

Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: JessicaMott
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ur always shining in my heart
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: JessicaMott
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Fathers Name: Charles Almond
Mothers Name: Alma Patton
Spouse's Name: Elmer Jones
Children's Names: Jason, Johnny & Jeremiah
Siblings Names: Dorothy Almond, James Almond & Don Almond
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Oak Grove, LA
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Other


Favourite Book: Twilight saga
Favourite Movie: Twilight saga
Favourite Music Genre: Country


Place of Passing: Oak Grove, LA
Date of Passing: 18 January 2012
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1,079 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: JessicaMott on 24 April 2012    |     Back to Top

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