O, moon, high up in the deep, deep sky,
Your light sees far away regions,
You travel 'round the wide,
Wide world peering into human dwellings.
O, moon, stand still for a minute...
Mom, yesterday marked the second month since you've been gone. Your family misses you terribly and would do and give anything to have you back.
M'yiten shama'i keri'oh
Hamah gurah v'hamaym ka li roteh
Ha samovim rachu'ah
Hamah harah'al kah teru'ah
Why do I cry at night?
Why do I feel so bad?
Something holds me tight
It's something in the air.
I have a prayer, a prayer,
A prayer from my heart
Night after ...
I lit a Yarzheit candle for you. I lay a stone for you. I sing the Mourner's Kaddish for you.
Oh Lord, my God,
I pray that these things shall never end,
The sand and the sea,
The rush of the waters,
The crash of the heavens,
The prayer of the man.
Eili Eili
Shelo yigameir l'olam,
Hachol v'hayam
Rishrush shel hamayim,
B'rak hashamyim
T'filat ha-adam.
Mom, I remember all those times you told me you wanted you, grandma, me, and Sam to go someplace and spend time together and mothers and daughters. I'm so sorry that never happened. You would talk about us coming up to Cincinnati to visit, see your grandchildren, spend time together... and I'm so regretful because it is too late to spend that quality time with you. Mom, Lil' Man is doing just f...