James  Steward's Memorial

James Steward
(1965 - 2012)


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General Details

Name: Mr James Steward
Nick Name: "Stew", "Shark"
Gender: Male
Age: 47 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 15 June 1965 - Saturday, 22 December 2012

My Story

James "Stew" or "Shark" Steward was one of my very first friends at college - initially we both had been assigned to the "Freshman Dorm" at NTSU (Now UNT) called West Hall, which is still in existence, and if memory serves we initially had rooms down the hall, but each of us had roommates we weren't particularly suited to, and since we hailed both from West Texas towns, we immediately gravitated to each other...  Somehow we switched roomies at West, and then requested transfer to a nicer dorm (Kerr Hall) which our second semester we got, though somehow we weren't notified, but found out we had a new room and moved over our second semester in the Spring.  I believe we stayed in Kerr our entire Freshman year for the remainder, and then all of Sophomore year.  The year was then 1985, and I stayed for summer school living in off-campus housing and some of the scariest places you can imagine (motels, other friends' couches until landladies ran me off, transient "motels", and then finally rooming with another guy for a while) until the "Duplex" was completed ...  Then the fun began!  We lived there from Fall of 1985 until 1988, of course, I left after graduating in 1987 for Houston and Medical School, but the Duplex life went on...  On my side was Hertel, myself and Stew...  The other side, was Gina and Russ, Lamont, and Bullet...  Party Central...  Most of it I cannot remember (thankfully?) but we solved all the world's problems, re-lived the 60's, played mid-night hacky-sack, and soared in the ethers w/ Timothy Leary (ha) and the like...  Stew was the man with the plan...

There's too much incriminating stuff to add on here, but others may want to share their memories of the "Duplex Days" which in retrospect were some of the finest and most free times imaginable.  Things weren't always hunky-dorey, but boy did we have fun...  The beer flowed and we had a great group of friends and neighbors and it was a few years of young adult debauchery probably similar to hundreds of other college towns across the nation, but ours was a special lot.  I tried to keep up with the old crew, and Stew and I went to the Bahamas after graduation (can't remember if it was after mine or his as we graduated a few years apart) but nonetheless it was a blast )  I lost my college ring in the Bahamas surf swimming at night, and Stew lost a bundle on Bahamanian baking soda not sure why he wanted to bake that cake so badly...?  Ha...

We had a great road trip once while still dorm-dwellers, caravanning out to West Texas to see ZZTop in Abilene one night, then driving back the next foggy night to see them in Dallas the next stop on their tour - this was about 1984 or so when their "Sharp Dressed Man" old model-A car stylings were going on...pretty memorable...

Stew, Hertel, and I went to New Orleans our Freshman year to Mardi Gras, staying with friends in Houma before driving into the city ... quite a cultural experience.  I still have beads and some photos of random street scenes and just general remembrances of fun times...  I remember the drinking age in Texas was 19 at the time, and I was only 18, and crossing the Louisiana line, I was so proud to go buy beer legally!  We poured some cheap whiskey into those beers making some bad-ass boiler-makers, then my memory lags after that ... Ha!

OK....  You guys wanna share?  I miss ole Stew.  Not sure what went on the last few years of his life...  I, as we all have, became very busy.  He had contacted me a few years ago, and I had briefly met up with him at the Cowboys game where he had taken his daughter, and we visited a few moments... He had also called wanting to meet up at PK lake but I had dismissed that as the old PK lake "party house" just isn't a party house anymore and my folks are older and less tolerant of such shenanigans as we once pulled...  Sorta wish I had seen him one last time there, but just not enough free time to spread around and guess there always will be time for those sorts of things, but perhaps we should learn a lesson and not let opportunities go by the wayside...  Cheers to all...


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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: dlcasey22
Song Name: Green Grass & Hig...
Artist: The Outlaws
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Jimmy loved this tune... Enjoy and remember our Stew! http://www.emmitt22...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: dlcasey22
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I thought there was a way to upload songs... I can't seem to find it, but may upload Jimmy's favorite song (or one o...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: dlcasey22
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I've found some photos of Jimmy & some of us other miscreants - some at Mardi Gras in 1988 (Feb 88) - Stew, Danny & I...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: dlcasey22
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According to Danny, there will be a memorial in Goree (James's hometown) at 2 pm this coming Sunday 1/20/13 ... Not ...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Sbonham
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I remember first meeting James at the duplex and I didn't know how to take him. He seemed so serious. Once I got to k...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: dlcasey22
Song Name: Green Grass and H...
Artist: The Outlaws
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Was always James's favorite song as I recall...
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: dlcasey22
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Jimmy ... Miss you buddy. Everybody must get stoned...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: dlcasey22
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Will obviously leave more comments later... I didnt remember James's BDay ... Thought it was June? Perhaps June 65? ...


Fathers Name: Jack (I think...)
Mothers Name: Bernice
Spouse's Name: Alicia Trubisky Steward
Children's Names: Jaryn Steward
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Eastland, TX (?)
Occupation: Executive
Marital Status: Divorced


Favourite Sport: Basketball
Other Interests:
Bahamian Sodium Bicarb (Baking Soda)


Date of Passing: 22 December 2012
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1,180 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: dlcasey22 on 9 January 2013    |     Back to Top

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