Julia  McLean's Memorial

Julia McLean
(1988 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Miss Julia McLean
Nick Name: Puddy
Gender: Female
Age: 19 years old
Lived: Sunday, 17 July 1988 - Friday, 16 November 2007

My Story

Julia's story in her own words from her southdown website

When I was growing up I had a strong interest in sheep, I used to rescue orphaned lambs from the crows and hunger and raise them until they were able to look after themselves. The first ever lamb I had (when I was 5 ) was a merino ewe I named blossom and from that day on I wanted to show sheep. As time went on I had a small flock of apprx. 20 sheep I had an interest in selling prime lambs and my Grandfather, Tom Reynnolds who played for Essedon in the 1940's (whos brother is Dick Reynnolds who was captain of the team and was my great Uncle) also owned a butcher shop in melbourne for many years. He told me that the best meat he ever saw from lambs were Southdown x lambs. I had never heard of the breed and soon investigated into acquiring a southdown flock ram. I soon found an ad in the paper advertising southdowns but they were not suitable. Then I remembered the poster on the wall in my room from the Royal Melbourne Show in 1998 and they had a picture of the champion ram from every breed and the name and address for the owner underneth it. On this poster was a Southdown ram (SP62-96) and the name under it was G & N Baker, Southern Pastures, Cobden ect. I rang the phone number and found out that they were soon to have a sale and was invited. So I saved up my money and went along to the sale. My parents didn't buy my sheep for me, I bought them with my own well earned money. ( Currently I was 13 ). I attended and instead of getting my flock ram I purchased 3 southdown ewes instead to pursue my life long dream of showing sheep ( Lot 3,4 and 6) and this is were my stud began. Lot 4 later died from a miscarriedge but I have the other 2 still. They became very valuable assets and breeders to my stud. Lot 6 (deceased september 2005)has bred excellent show ewes and Lot 3 gave birth to the very first ram (2-03) for the Julia Downs stud which is also a very good stud ram. Since then my stud has grown. I look back over the years and am very thankful towards Mr. & Mrs. Baker and to all of the people that have helped me to where I am. In my opinion I think Mr. Baker has the best Southdown sheep stud in Australia and possibly one of the best southdown sheep studs in the world. I probably wouldn't have been as succsessful as I have been if I hadn't obtained the first of my breeding and showing stock from Mr. Bakers stud " Southern Pastures".

She died in lightening ridge doing mining to earn money to keep her southdown stud going she unfortunately didn't return home to her beloved sheep.

Latest Tributes

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: lostsheep
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2 years has past Julia but the hole in my heart left by absence is very unlikely to be filled
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: miss
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: miss
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: lily
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lostsheep
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I miss you buddy


Country of Birth: Australia
Country of Residence: Australia
City of Residence: Blighty
Occupation: Primary Industry


Favourite Sport: Horseback Riding
Favourite Music Genre: Country


Place of Passing: Lightening Ridge
Date of Passing: 16 November 2007
Cause of Passing: Respiratory failure
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