I will watch for you at those pearly gates
And I will wait for you as long as it takes.
Then to you I will extend to you my hand
And others here will step aside.
As they see my see my eyes filled with so much pride.
Hand and hand, I will show you Mom this promised land.
I will always love you Mom
Ice Hockey
Rap/Hip Hop
Fast & the Furious
Movies about cars
Songs about cars
Anything dealing with cars
His family
Sour skittles
Any sour candy
His Mommy
His little brother & 2 sisters
Fighting over candy with them
Tickle fights
Squeezing his nose
Making funny faces
Girls day out shopping
Best buy
Electronics in general
Sound systems
World of Warcraft
His laptop
Reading on his laptop
Boy time with Chris
Video games
Amber his puppy
Playing with Cooper (my puppy)
Dressing up
Dressing down
His Zoo York hoodie
Red shorts
The ring I (Katy) gave him
Singing in the car
Rapping in the car
Going on trips with his parents
Bacon cheese fries
Any type of salted fries
Guiness beer
Begora "Family Steak Juice"
Aviator Sunglasses
Making people laugh
Dining out
Eating Chipotle
Bagels with cream cheese & chips
Working with his Mom
Surfing the net
Listening to his friends
Helping his friends
Being Kyle
I'd walk right up to Heaven
and bring you home again.
Your male best friend will always love you,
admire you & feel that way forever.
Boyfriends come & go, but he's always stuck around.
He's your shoulder to cry on & hug when you need it.
You enjoy yourself with him
& you're never in an awkward situation.
This is a different kind of love, a special kind.
Cherish this boy forever, he'll change your life.
I miss you.
"You really suprised us Kyle. We weren't ready to deal with this pain that is hovering over our hearts. We would say only the good die young, but you weren't just good. You were great, an amazing son, brother, fiance, and best friend. And now you are an angel & we know you are looking over us. From your crooked smile, to your sniffling nose and bear hugs, you are the most gorgeous angel. From your sarcastic humor and overwhelmingly huge heart, you are the sweetest angel. And from your bright eyes and intensely brilliant mind, you are the cleverest angel. We can see why God needed you around."
-You're my best friend, Love. Katy