Lashonda  Martinez's Memorial

Lashonda Martinez
(1989 - 2012)


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General Details

Name: Miss Lashonda Martinez
Gender: Female
Age: 22 years old
Lived: Sunday, 19 November 1989 - Sunday, 1 April 2012

My Story

Lashonda Maria Martinez, was called by God on April 1st 2012. Lashonda was born on November 19 1989 in Pitt Memorial Hospital. She was describe as outgoing and very sweet by family and friends, and leaves behind a beautiful daughter. Lashonda martinez was an aspiring model, her beautiful looks and exotic features gained her internet fame on websites such as and Lashonda was on her way to sealing a deal with Camille Daniels Modeling Agency in New york before her death. Lashonda was a God fearing young woman, who often volunteered at several churches, and homeless shelters. Please Pray for her family in this dark time. Our hearts are somewhat at peace because we know Lashinda Maria Martinez is with the Lord.

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Baby we miss you so so so much, u were so young and had so much going for you. baby im so proud to have been your mot...


Fathers Name: Jon Martinez
Mothers Name: Karen Martinez
Spouse's Name: Eric Rios
Children's Names: Erica Rios
Siblings Names: Chanel Martinez, Aaliyah Martinez, Lauren Martinez
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Greenville
Occupation: Media
Marital Status: Engaged
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Book: Bible
Favourite Music Genre: Christian & Gospel
Favourite Artist: Deitrick Haddon
Favourite Charity: Phillipi Church Of Christ


Place of Passing: Pitt Memorial Hospital
Date of Passing: 1 April 2012
Cause of Passing: Alergic Reaction
Type of Funeral: Public
Place of Burial: Private
Funeral Director: Heather Wells
Funeral Location: 8594 Maple Groove Funeral Plot
Our Wishing Well

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886 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: karenmartinez on 15 April 2012    |     Back to Top

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