Lewis  O'Gorman's Memorial

Lewis O'Gorman
(2004 - 2004)


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General Details

Name: Mr Lewis O'Gorman
Gender: Male
Lived: Wednesday, 12 May 2004 - Saturday, 10 July 2004

My Story

Well what can i say that already hasn't been said by millions of People that have lost a baby within there family. You were my nephew the son of my younger brother although your entering the world was a shock from the first moment we laid eyes on you we knew you were a very special baby,,
We came away from meeting you and was already planning your future,, ( You would of been a very cheeky little boy with a brummie accent and all the love and support we could of possible given you) How wrong could we have been yes you were a cheeky little baby with the feeling you had been here before and that we had known you forever you fitted into the family with ease,, I remember the last time I saw you,, you and your mommy had come to stay over for a few days and we had a few birthday's around that time,, There was your cousin Bethany's birthday 6th July so the family had a meal at the Wacky for her and there you were all smiles everyone wanting to hold you and cuddle you,, Then it was your mommy's birthday 7th July I had taken you out for the day to give your mommy some time to herself,, We went to see your Nanny Kerry at work where she showed you off with so much pride telling every one how handsome you were and with your infectious smile you wooed everyone over!! We had a little ride out to my friend Joe's house so I could show you off to her she thought you were just like your Daddy,, That night I remember me and your Mommy lying in bed and you had woken up for your feed and we were laughing at you because you were so happy just lying there after your  feed and cooing your head off me and your Mom were just wishing you would go back to sleep as all people do when there doing the Night feeds ( if only we knew time was so precious we would of never blinked an eye) I dropped you off round Nanny's house with Mommy and Daddy there Nanny  and Grandad Auntie Kara Cousins Beth and Jack,, Then I left went to pick my boy's your other Cousins Nath tom and Will up,, That was that!!! Then on the 10th July Nanny Kerry's Birthday,, i was cleaning my windows and had a call from my Nan who had my old phone number as for some reason I changed my pin in my phone and had forgot to put my new one back in,, I remember it as if it was yesterday the feeling is still raw,, She told me you were in hospital and that you had passed away,, I remember looking down at my boy's who were there watching me and I tried so hard to keep it together,, then as I opened my mouth the screams came then the crying and the shaking and the shouting to god asking why?? and the "If I change anything you want please give us back Lewis" All of it was in vein though,, you were gone,, Your great Auntie Samantha had come to take me over to your Mommy's house and we soon left to come to see you at the hospital,, We entered the room where you were and I remember thinking that you were just like asleep and that it had been a mistake,, Grandad was willing you to wake up it was a bit of blur then I remember your Mommy and Daddy going into the room to get you dressed as you were taken in your PJ's and then I heard the scream of your mom and Dad and knew this was no mistake,, as the years have passed I watched the family cope with there grief in many different ways,, I really thought that I had dealt with mine but over the last few months and your 4th birthday approaching I am starting to feel at a loss again,, you have a little Brother Alex he will be 3 this year and he is such a funny little thing well big there's nothing delicate about our Alex as im sure you know,, but it hurts to think he has a big brother that he will never meet and to have brother fights with or to watch you two grow up together,, I know this may sound rambling to some people but to me its just a way of sending this on the internet but to me its sending it straight to you,, i love you so much as do we all do and you are missed lots,,

me and my sister have some days where we have to sit infront of the computer and listen to Charlotte Church "the prayer" please listen to the song its words are comforting!!!

Love you lots Lewis

Aunty Leann,,Cousins Nathan thomas and William,,

Aunty Kara, Uncle Stevo, Cousins Jack & Beth

Also Pete and Joshua Who I would of loved for you to meet!!


Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Sahrasmummy
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Bless both our little angels taken from us far too soon
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: momofanangel
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For an angel
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Lewis04
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4 years today you got taken away from us champ and its never got any easier only harder. Never before have i ever...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lovemylivvy
View Memorial's Tribute
www.OurForeverBabies.com I light this candle And fill it with love And send it to you In heaven above
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: llittletommy
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: angelenzo07
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hiya lewis i talk to your auntie leann most days about you she understands you see and i am grateful she lets me spea...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: miss
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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: ChampLewis
Song Name: the prayer
Artist: Charlotte Church
View Memorial's Tribute


Fathers Name: Ryan
Mothers Name: Lisa
Siblings Names: Alex
Country of Birth: United Kingdom


Favourite Sport: Hiking
Favourite Team: I am doing a sponsered walk in memory of Lewis on the 17th May please sponser me on line to help
Favourite Book: me raise money for fsidsi org
Favourite Movie: www.justgiving.com/leannhumphries


Place of Passing: Nanny Lynn's home
Date of Passing: 10 July 2004
Cause of Passing: SIDS
Place of Burial: Witton Cemetery
Our Wishing Well

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2,388 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: ChampLewis on 24 April 2008    |     Back to Top

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