(mace) macie-ella pearce's Memorial

(mace) macie-ella pearce
(2008 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: (mace) macie-ella pearce
Nick Name: babycakes
Maiden Name: pearce
Gender: Female
Lived: Monday, 11 February 2008 - Monday, 11 February 2008

My Story

                                                                Macie-ella pearce

It says life story here, but sadly my baby girl was born on the 11 of febuary 2008 stillborn.
i suppose in a way it is one of the many things to do something like this to seek comfort of the
passing of a loved 1 missed so much!
Her name was: Macie-ella pearce
Born on: 11 feb 2008
Time 3.46am,
This angel was sent to us for 38 weeks only. 2 good for this world. born sadly sleeping.
Breaking the hearts of all she left behind. she was the only child and so much wanted!
The answerts as why this happend? there isnt!
But that doesnt stop the many questions. but last but least the reason for this is to tell
our sleeping angel how greatly she is missed and loved, cherished and made her family
honured to meet, greet and touch her sleeping self.
 with all the love in our hearts the kisses we can send the words we whisper quitely.
                             love for ever and always xxxxx

   mummy,daddy.nanny jane, grandad daz,uncle lee,nana sarah grandad alan anut casey leigh,
   uncle ryan, nana cheryl, grandad craig auntie charlotte. and all your great aunts uncles nanas
   n pops  aunt dube, ucl dave, auntie ree n dee sleep tight angel we all miss u xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

                                              Our story

Ill never for get the day we were told your little heart had stopped beating macie,
time fell still and nothing seemed real.You had grown for 38 weeks babies are born
earlier than this.
So why did your heart stop sweetheart we will never no? This was at 10.30 me and nanny jane
were distraught, ur greedy grandad had forgot his fone so commuincating was hard!
Your daddy was serving in iraq and was waiting for the call to say you were entering the world!
instead the phone call came that should never have been spoken his daughter was gone!
yes you macie the daughter we hoped for the dreams we wanted to share.
We went to grandads wrk he was out on a job hes a lorry driver you see.
No luck there. it was tourture knowing we would have to tell him you were gone, u were wanted
so much!
time finally came and grandad came home, your daddy left iraq that day ( febuary 8th 2008)
I was induced on the 9th nothing. then again on the 10th nothing.
but finally with broken hearts and shtterd dreams u enterd this world.
looking beatiful but so fragile.
we had photos and ppl coming to see you. prezzies it didnt seem real. Almost like you were here!
But at 5.30pm on the 11th feb we had to say goodbye darling.
It was the hardest day of my life daddys too! to wlk away say goodbye i dnt no how we did.
We came to visit you everyday after at your resting place!
we bought you a new dress hat and socks you looked like a sleeping angel.
It was so much better to see you again hold kiss and cuddle you!

The funeral was hard my darling but your daddy did you proud, carried your small white
cofin into the church and sat you upon his knee.
your floral tributes were outstanding we all thought so much of you!
but none of this should ever have happend sweetheart.
your daddy chose to play fix u (cold play) and i chose (faith hill )there ull be,
as youll always be by our side.

You see macie time goes by they say its a great healer. Only time will tell as all you have left
behind are broken hearts, we miss and love you always xxxx

 Sometimes i fell lonely
Others i feel fine,
Sometimes i need comfort,
Others i need time.

Our time was so limited,
And with so much pain.
For as we held you,
Only your body remained.

You left us at birth
In more ways than just one,
To join our maker the angel,
For he needed another one.

Your name stand for sunshine
And that is what you are.
For every time the sun shines.
You will not be far.

Photo sharing and video hosting at photobucket 

A tiny flower, Lent not given.
To bud on earth,
And bloom in heaven. 

Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: kirstie
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never forgotten love you sweetheart x
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: momofanangel
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For an angel
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: NatSargent
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I place a heart by your side Angel baby rest in peace little girlxx
Flower Memorial Tribute
View Memorial's Tribute
Hellooo mace, it's the first time i have spoke to you. i just want to let you no that we are all thinking about you a...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: kirstie
View Memorial's Tribute
hello baby girl, bet your very exited looking down on us all waiting for your baby brother to arrive! its still so ha...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: daddyjordan
View Memorial's Tribute
hello princess how ya doing im missing you like mad im sure you have heard your having a little brother thats good ne...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: daddyjordan
View Memorial's Tribute
hello princess hope ure ok wich i know u r with your 2 great grandmothers looking after i know mummy has already told...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: kirstie
View Memorial's Tribute
Thinking of you everyday darling. miss you so much. me and daddy have some good news for you although im sure you alr...
Flower Memorial Tribute
View Memorial's Tribute
For a beautiful little Angel... Paula
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lovemylivvy
View Memorial's Tribute
www.OurForeverBabies.com I light this candle And fill it with love And send it to you In heaven above
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: MaryCleary
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: daddyjordan
View Memorial's Tribute
hello princess just a message from daddy to say i think about you everyday and i love you and miss you so so daddy wi...


Fathers Name: jordan pearce
Mothers Name: kirstie ramsden
Country of Birth: United Kingdom
Country of Residence: United Kingdom
Occupation: Military
Marital Status: Engaged



Place of Passing: merternity home
Date of Passing: 11 February 2008
Cause of Passing: unknown
Type of Funeral: small gathering
Place of Burial: grimsby
Plot Number: 33
Funeral Director: mashfords
Funeral Location: grimsby
Funeral Date: 15 February 2008
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4,157 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: kirstie on 7 April 2008    |     Back to Top

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