It can be a very hard for a person dealing with loss. You can leave a touching message for the creator of this memorial.
my sister maxine was full of life.she loved life.she loved all living things.she was very fond of animals so much she wanted to be a day we are talking on the phone with my little sister one day and i am having to franticaly drive from loudon tn to thomasville ga to the hospital the next.needless to say i did'int make it to her sideit was an 8 hr drive and i was 20 miles away from the hospital when the call came in on my cell phone that she was gone.and it bothers me everday that i didint make it to her side.i just hope that somewhere some place she new i was coming.i love my little baby sister and i always will.she was the best .she loved life and love to share her fishing stories with me.she will be missed dearly
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