Melissa  Hughes's Memorial

Melissa Hughes
(1996 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Miss Melissa Hughes
Gender: Female
Age: 11 years old
Lived: Monday, 15 January 1996 - Thursday, 3 January 2008

My Story

Melissa wrote a small piece about herself which explains her life work and what she was all about, this used to be her life work

Melissa wrote -

My name is Melissa Hughes. I am 11 years old and have E.B, which means I have very poorly skin. Everybody has to be really gentle with me because if they don’t handle me in the right way my skin blisters or just comes off, same as when I fall over. I can’t walk very far either because my feet are badly blistered and very sore, so I have a wheelchair to get me around. I can’t eat very much as my throat and mouth are badly blistered and very sore, so I have a special button into my stomach where my mum puts all my food to help me to grow well and help all my sores to heal too. It’s also where all my medicines are put too so I don’t have to taste them! I have so many and they don’t taste very nice! I go to school, which is called Moorfield Primary School. I really enjoy it and have lots of friends. My favorite subject is art but I also enjoy music. I have 2 lovely ladies who look after me in school called Mrs. Massey and Mrs. Parker. They take very good care of me and I like them very much because I feel safe. I wish I could run around like my friends and do things that they do but I’m not very fast and some things are too hard for me to do. But because I have some really good friends, they play what I can do so I don’t feel left out.

In 2003 I won the Woman’s Own Child of Courage Award where I met lots of famous people. I really enjoyed the whole awards and felt very lucky to have been chosen. I met the boy band Blue with GMTV who were very nice. They were my favorite band at the time, so it was great to meet them. They sang to me and gave me a signed poster and CD. I met Ian Beale from Eastenders; David and Carrie Grant; Neil Buccanon; Nanna Moon from Eastenders; Nicky the paramedic and Becs the receptionist from Casualty; Owen from Holby City; Nikki Chapman; John Leslie; Louise Rednapp; Stephanie Beecham and Simon Cowell. I really liked Simon Cowell. He dressed up as Santa and gave us lots of presents.

I also met Fiona Phillips, Eamon Holmes and Penny Smith who were all very nice to me. I felt so lucky to meet all these people.

Shortly after winning the courage award I was taken up to Manchester United’s training ground to meet the team, but especially to meet my favorite player Rio Ferdinand. This was great and I really enjoyed it. I got a signed shirt from the team and had my photo taken with Rio, which is on my bedroom wall!

I got lots of pictures and autographs from everyone I met surrounding the courage award, which I will always treasure. I have lately met Ant and Dec at their studios in London. They are the best people on the T.V and it was great to meet them, I really enjoyed it. They gave me a signed book and their new takeaway DVD which I’ve watched lots of times! I really like Ant and Dec.

I have also met Westlife. I went to a concert in Liverpool and met them before it started back stage. They were lovely too. I also have to say a good friend of mine is Hayley from Coronation Street and I also really like Claire Peacock. I’ve been on a tour of Coronation Street and Hayley always kept in touch.

I feel very lucky to have met so many nice famous people who spare time to meet me. Mum says I deserve things like this because I’m so brave. I don’t enjoy having operations because I get very scared but I know they have got to be done. I’ve just had my fingers separated on my left hand and had my throat widened to make it easier for me to eat. I need my fingers doing on my right hand too soon but I am not looking forward to that.

I am in some pain because I have sores all over my body, but my worst area is my back. That really hurts. I don’t like having baths as my back hurts too much with the water, but I guess having my dressings changed everyday hurts quite a bit too. If a fairy gave me three wishes, my first wish would be for her to make my skin better so I didn’t have E.B. anymore. My second wish would be to meet Rowan Atkinson as I think he’s really funny and clever. Mr. Bean is fantastic! My Third wish would be to meet the author Jacqueline Wilson as I love Tracy Beaker and I read all her books. But I would also really like to meet people again who I have already met like Simon Cowell, Ian Beale and Simon Webbe from Blue. I think it’s an honor to meet any famous person and I am grateful for meeting anyone.

DEBRA are the charity who are trying to find a cure for E.B. Please help them in anyway you can and then I won’t have to hurt anymore.

Thank You Love


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I say this every year but I really cant belive its been 6 years! I still listen to everyday by hsm and think of us si...
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Song Name: Complicated
Artist: Avril Lavegne
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I know you loved this song babe. I got Claire to sing it for you at your bir...
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Happy 17th birthday babe. Love you so very much every second of every day and miss you just as much. Found today ha...
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From: rebeccaxx
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Can't believe it's already been 5 years! I also can't believe how much of a lifelong friend you became in such a shor...
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From: mumgill
Song Name: All Rise
Artist: Blue
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Mum and Ady were listening to this in car on way home from football and he to...
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From: mumgill
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Hi my gorgeous girl. It's just another of those painful days when I can't get you out of my head and I desperately n...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: mumgill
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Just want you to know how much I love you and miss you like crazy babe. Rebecca's right in saying 4 years has gone s...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: rebeccaxx
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To melissa I can't belive it's been 4 years already, i miss you and all our giggles together and always smile when...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: micbc
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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: rebeccaxx
Song Name: Everyday
Artist: High school music...
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I remember listening to this on my tiny mp3 player with you over and over! I ...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: SarahXXXX
Song Name: I'll Stand By You
Artist: Girls Aloud
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You were always there for your friends and always gave the most amazing advic...


Fathers Name: Daniel Hughes
Mothers Name: Gillian Hughes
Siblings Names: Ayden Luke Hughes
Country of Birth: United Kingdom
Country of Residence: United Kingdom
City of Residence: Stockport


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: Manchester Utd & Stockport County
Favourite Book: Lola Rose by Jacqueline Wilson
Favourite Movie: High School Musical
Favourite Music Genre: Pop
Favourite Artist: Simon Webbe, Blue & S Club 7
Favourite Charity: DeBRA


Place of Passing: Stepping Hill Hospital
Date of Passing: 3 January 2008
Cause of Passing: EB caused internal problems
Type of Funeral: Open to all followed by Cremation
Place of Burial: Norbury Church, Hazel Grove
Funeral Director: Charles Robb and Sons
Funeral Location: Norbury Church, Hazel Grove
Funeral Date: 10 January 2008

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21,518 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: danhughes on 15 July 2008    |     Back to Top