Kushtuar Nje Engjelli Kushtuar nje Ylli qe preku zemrat dhe jetet tona
Edhe pse ti me midis nesh nuk je ...ne gjithmone te kemi ne shpirt mendje zemer ...
Nje plage te madhe kemi qe e kurojme me lotet e dhimbjes..
Valle c'eshte kjo jete e poshter keshtu ???
A sduhet te ikin nga kjo bote njeresit e keq dhe jo te miret ....???
Ehhh o zot valle ku ishe ti ??
Te ngushelllojme veten me fjalet *zoti mer afer tij engjej* s'mjafton...
ne kishim nevoje per ty dhe kemi akoma .
To Mika the one and only
What can you say about an ANGEL except That he truly was an ANGEL.
Kind and Loving .....
Even now that i'm wrigting for you im so proud that i was part of your life.
You allways told me , that i should be proud to be by your side as you were going to look after me .
And now, im here all alone missing you.
You are in a better place , out of stress out of this cruel world .
Someone took away your life and i need the strength to go ahead and see the people who stoped your dreams getting punished by the law.
We were living together for 1 year and 5 months ....
How short they seem to me and how long when i think of all the things we been through .
We were soulmates, friends, lovers all just me and you .
And now half of me is missing , i have half of my soul the one that is keeping me alive.
Baby, you were an angel to everybody, whoever was in need you were there for them .
When you needed someone there was no one .................
My baby , i just felt that i didn't say enough about you...
the reason is that is never enough about you , i need all the sky and the seas and oceans to write how wonderful were you!
I wake up each morning and the first second i open my eyes the world comes crushing down on me
when i think of another day without you, another empty day in my life with nothing to think about o look forward!
to the person that took your life away , that robed us fom the privilege we had having you in our life
i just want to ask why?
i can't forgive never him , never for what he did and i want him to get punished for what he did.
i can't believe that you my angel are not smiling at us anymore...............
Sa e pa shpirt koha , iken sekonda , minuta ore , dite , jave muaj .... muaj qe po behen gati 9 :( , kalon kjo kohe pa na sjelle asnje shprese per te pare buzeqeshjen tende serish , per te degjuar zerin tend , per te te patur ty afer ... kalojne pa meshire dhe c'do dite e me shume shtohet malli , dhimbja dhe lotet qe kur nuk do te shterojne ,
Mungon fjala jote qe ishte ligj per kedo e kudo , Mungon Buzeqeshja jote qe te lumtoronte edhe
po te ishe i merzitur ti gjithnje do buzeqeshje ...gjithnje .
Saimir, Mika engjell ishe dhe engjemm do te ,betesh gjithnje , kure sdo te harrojme do jesh ne zemrat e njerezve qe te kan dashur dhe vazhdojne te te duan akoma dhe qe ju mungon shume
Ke lene nje boshllek ne zemrat tona ne jeten tone , c;do gje ka humb kuptimin cdo gje eshte e kote pa ty ;