Ariel Ari, Mermaid Tan's Memorial

Ariel Ari, Mermaid Tan
(1974 - 2014)


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General Details

Name: Mrs Ariel Ari, Mermaid Tan
Nick Name: Ari
Maiden Name: Ariel Tan
Gender: Female
Age: 40 years old
Lived: Friday, 11 January 1974 - Tuesday, 16 September 2014

My Story

My mom, Ariel Tan, was born on January 11, 1974. She died on early September 16, 2014. 

When she was in her Master's Class, she met my father, Leon Lim. They fell in love, and at 1999, when she was 25, they married. They had my older sister, Janica Lim, on the year of 2001, when my mother was only 27. Then, two years later, on the year 2003, they had me. 

On September 15, 2014, she was driving, with me and Janica in the backseats, on our way back home when a drunk truck driver rammed into us. Janica, my mother and I were all sent to the hospital, where my father met us. My mother and Janica made it through the night, but not the entire day. They died around 4:30 on September 16, 2014. 

However, I made it through, but had to get both of my legs amputated. 

A few months after the accident, my father started going out with another woman called Mary Zhou. Then, on January 12, 2015, the day after my mother's birthday, they married. Now, my step-mother is pregnant. 

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Fathers Name: Walt Tan
Mothers Name: Martha Zheng
Spouse's Name: Leon Lim
Children's Names: Janica Lim, Rebecca Lim
Siblings Names: Anna Tan
Country of Birth: China
Country of Residence: Singapore
City of Residence: Singapore
Occupation: Marketing
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Boating
Favourite Music Genre: Christian & Gospel
Favourite Charity: Red Cross


Date of Passing: 16 September 2014
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