Benjamin Zane Teichmann's Memorial

Benjamin Zane Teichmann
(2009 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Mr Benjamin Zane Teichmann
Gender: Male
Lived: Saturday, 11 April 2009 - Tuesday, 18 August 2009

My Story

My beautiful little boy was born on the 11-04-09, 8 pound 1, at 7:31pm on saturday night we loved him the minute he came into this world making us parents made our day benjamin had such a cute smile he made us laugh and had the most beautiful eyes and strawberry blonde hair that you could imageine he was a heathly little boy, Benjamin loved to sit down and watch Spongebob square pants., On the 18th of august  09 i had woken up feeling something was wrong so i ran to benjamin's room to check on him and his head was into the matress as he had rolled over during his sleep so i ran for my partner to hand him ben while i rang the ambo's they had come in a blink of a eye so while they were on there way i was doing CPR too bring my little boy back but the ambo's had turned up and took over and did there best but God had taken benny to be his ANGEL, Benny has brought two families together and we love him dearly we miss you everyday Benjamin, Every night that goes by we read our little angel a book and light his candle and say our goodnights because he is still in our hearts...

Benjamin Zane Teichmann had passed away from SIDS

Benny you will always be in heart and thoughts forever and not a day goes by that we dont think of you...

Love from Mum,Dad
G-mar, Poppy, Nanna, Poppy, Uncle Michael, Uncle Andrew, Aunty Zoe, Aunty Christie,
And familes


Daddy please don't look so sad, Mommy please don't cry
Cause I'm in the arms of the angels and they sing me lullabies.
Please try not to question the universe, don't think it is unkind.
Don't think it gave me to you and then it changed it's mind.

You see i am a special child, and I'm needed up above.
I'm the special gift you gave, the product of your love.
I'll always be there with you, and watch the sky at night.
Find the brightest star that's shining, that's my halo's brilliant light.

You'll see me in the morning frost, that's mists your window pane.
That's me in the summer showers, I'll be dancing in the rain.
When you feel a little breeze, from a gentle wind that blows,
That's me, I'll be there planting a kiss upon your nose.

When you see a child playing and your heart feels a little tug, that's me, I'll be
giving your heart a hug.
So Daddy please don't look so sad, Mommy please don't cry, cause I'm in the
arms of the angels, and they sing me lullabies.

Love always Mum and Dad xoxoxoxox

Latest Tributes

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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: hannahsmum
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RIP little Ben. I hope you and my little Hannah are playing together in the angels garden. My thoughts and praye...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Kezza
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Hey baby Ben G-mar and poppy are missing you so much we still see you everyday in our hearts an wish you were with us...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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My heart goes out to you, Your beautiful angel grew his wings 3 days before my little angel entered this world. ...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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Benjamin Zane Teichmann <3
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Kezza
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missing you everyday my sweet angel love G-mr and Poppyxoxoxoxox
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Kezza
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you are our greatest gift and now your our little ANGEL R.I.P Benny love always G-mar and Poppy xoxoxoxoxoxox
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Kezza
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love and miss you so much chub chub love G-mar and Poppy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Heart Memorial Tribute
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Mummy and daddy love you very much benny We miss you heaps xxooxxoooxooxoox
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Kezza
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Hey baby ben, missing you so much our little angel xoxoxoxoxox love G-mar and Poppy
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: AuntyMel
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for a gorgeous angel up in heaven, looking down upon is
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Kezza
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missing you so much Benny love G-mar and Poppy
Candle Memorial Tribute
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although i did not know you benny, my thoughts are with you daily! together you and my neice will look out for eacho...


Fathers Name: Geoffrey Teichmann
Mothers Name: Tania Rampton
Country of Birth: Australia
Country of Residence: Australia
City of Residence: Brisbane


Favourite Movie: Spongebob Square Pants
Favourite Music Genre: Other


Place of Passing: At home
Date of Passing: 18 August 2009
Cause of Passing: SIDS
Type of Funeral: Cremation
Plot Number: Row C Site 14 Gumnut Garden
Funeral Director: Carolyn Symes
Funeral Location: Centenary Memorial Gardens
Funeral Date: 25 August 2009
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2,148 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: mummylittleangel on 27 September 2009    |     Back to Top

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