Ethel  Rogers's Memorial

Ethel Rogers
(1921 - 2011)


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General Details

Name: Ethel Rogers
Nick Name: "Pearl"
Maiden Name: Goodell
Gender: Female
Age: 89 years old
Lived: Thursday, 30 June 1921 - Tuesday, 21 June 2011

My Story

Our Mom,

The sweetest lady we have ever known!! everyone loved being around her and enjoyed hearing all the old stories from her past...she had a lot of funny ones that would make us laugh to tears.
 She loved pets..her favorite was pug dogs. she also loved her dunkin donuts sugar,just extra,extra cream.

 Mom had a lot of hard times through the years with health problems but always managed to pull through and never complained though we knew she was suffering at times.

My Family and I will sure miss her and all the good times we have shared through the years but, we know heaven has another angel...Our Mom.  

We all love and miss you Mom.....Love, Colleen,Ralph,Methyl,Jerry,Norma and all the family

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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: normajean
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Fathers Name: Levi Goodell
Mothers Name: Marion Rollins
Spouse's Name: Norman Rogers
Children's Names: Colleen,Ralph,Methyl,Gerald,Norma
Siblings Names: Genette,Herbert,Louise
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Bath
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Widowed
Religion: Other Christian


Favourite Music Genre: Country
Favourite Artist: George Jones


Place of Passing: parkview Hospital
Date of Passing: 21 June 2011
Cause of Passing: kidney failure
Place of Burial: Bingham Maine
Funeral Date: 9 July 2011
Our Wishing Well

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1,433 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: normajean on 24 June 2011    |     Back to Top

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