Nuku  Kahui's Memorial

Nuku Kahui
(Unknown - 1963)


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General Details

Name: Mr Nuku Kahui
Gender: Male
Lived: Unknown - Wednesday, 28 August 1963

My Story

Nuku is my Great Grandfather.
I am the mokopuna of Pohe Kahui.
I never knew my grandfather, but I have heard the stories my Dad has told me about him. Nuku married Rangituhi Karaka Te Aho and they both had 7 children together. 5 Boys and 2 Girls. He passed away in Tuakau, Auckland. He was born in 1885, but in those days Maori never registered there births, deaths and marriages because it was not compulsory, so based on his death certificate, 1885 would have been his birth year. I have heard of some of the stories of how he converted an army tank into a flax collecting vehicle by gas welding off the gun on the tank and driving it like a convertible across the paddocks down in Port Waikato to collect flax. He sold the flax for rope, now these days most rope are synthetic and cheap and easily accessed through cheap Chinese merchants and alike. Nuku was only 78 when he passed away 

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Fathers Name: Kahui Tainui
Mothers Name: Kereama Tainui
Spouse's Name: Maki James(at the time of his death) but not married
Children's Names: Pohe Kahui
Siblings Names: Hurihia, Taruke, Tonga-Kiri, Rangitaura, Wi Putini,
Country of Birth: New Zealand
Country of Residence: New Zealand
City of Residence: Te Kohanga, Auckland
Occupation: Self-Employment



Place of Passing: Madill Street, Tuakau
Date of Passing: 28 August 1963
Cause of Passing: Heart Attack
Type of Funeral: Tangi
Place of Burial: Te Kohanga
Funeral Date: 30 August 1963
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1,864 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: bjkahui on 9 December 2010    |     Back to Top

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