Omo  Ihaza's Memorial

Omo Ihaza
(1984 - 2015)


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General Details

Name: Mr Omo Ihaza
Gender: Male
Age: 31 years old
Lived: Monday, 20 February 1984 - Saturday, 30 May 2015

My Story

Omo Ihaza has been a part of HillCity Foundation since 2009 and in six short years, he made unquantifiable contributions to the organization. He served in the foundation’s executive committee as the interim administrator.

Omo - a dashing young man, energetic and full of life! He was selfless, passionate and dedicated to the vision of HillCity foundation, which is “adding value to lives”. He had the heart of servitude and was faithful to his calling. In him was a plethora of qualities which are rare amongst his peers.

Iyabosa - a people-person! He knew just how to connect with people from all walks of life. If you needed him to dine with kings, he knew just how to dress up for the occasion and be relevant to the kings. On the other hand, if you needed him in the slums, he also knew just how to fit in and be relevant to the lowly.

Omo - the big talker! Anyone who knew Omo would know that he had great dreams and visions because he always talked about them. And for some of us, Omo’s talk and enthusiasm about life gave us the push we needed to do what we needed to do. If there was ever something to be done that revolved around adding value to lives, for Omo, it was never a question of who will do it but when should it be done. He was indeed a worthy soldier.

Today with heavy hearts and tearful eyes, we give God thanks for the life that Omo lived and the many ways he touched our hearts. We cannot hold God to explain Himself but we know that in time He will reveal Himself. Therefore we are not hopeless. In the meantime, we will keep running the race, we will keep adding value to lives, we will keep the HillCity foundation flag flying!

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It is well! Omo! Your good works live on. We can't question God for your demise. But with pain in our hearts we ...
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From: HCF
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Unbelievable. What a sad news. This is a shock and I can remember the moment we shared together. He was really devote...
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From: HCF
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Good Lord! This is really hard news to take in. May the good Lord grant his family and friends/colleagues et...
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From: HCF
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It still seems not true!!! Omo was a dear friend. He was gifted with great ideas and passionate about them even in th...
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From: HCF
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I find it very difficult to come to term with this news, There are many things that are too difficult to understand, ...
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From: HCF
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To a tireless value contributor... Omo, we still can’t believe you are gone. You are not one of the people that sh...
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From: HCF
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........the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. T...
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From: HCF
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I am dumbstruck - My heartfelt consolation to family members & great members of Hillcity Foundation. Dear Omo, RIP in...
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From: HCF
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Omo Ihaza feared God. I have no doubt he has gone to a better place. Deeply painful though. Lord, I pray give soo...
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From: HCF
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It still seems not true!!! Omo was a dear friend. He was gifted with great ideas and passionate about them even in th...
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From: HCF
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You needn't spend much time with Omo before u feel the pure spirit that emanates from him. We praise God for he kn...


Fathers Name: Rev. Eric Osaretin Ihaza
Mothers Name: Rev. (Mrs.) Ihaza
Country of Birth: Nigeria
Country of Residence: Nigeria
Religion: Catholic



Place of Passing: Benin
Date of Passing: 30 May 2015
Funeral Date: 4 June 2015


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