Rhiannon (Annie) Amanda Cusden's Memorial

Rhiannon (Annie) Amanda Cusden
(1987 - 2005)


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General Details

Name: Miss Rhiannon (Annie) Amanda Cusden
Nick Name: Annie
Maiden Name: never married
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Lived: Friday, 20 March 1987 - Wednesday, 12 October 2005

My Story


Our Annie as she was known was born on the 20th March 1987 at 4.23am at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital in Canterbury.

I cant at this moment write allot about Annie as i still find it all so painful. Annie died on the 12th October 2005 having sufferred for four and a half years from cancer. She leaves behind her brothers Simon and Sam and her sister Stacey. Annie also had half sister Hannah and half brother Charlie.
Rhiannon went to Havelock Street day nursery where her favourite nursery school teacher was Hazel. Hazel loved Annie too and had a special nickname for her. Annie went to nursery school with her sister Stacey who was just a year younger.
Annie then went to Pilgrims Way primary school in Canterbury but was never happy there as she was bullied by others so we put her into Littlebourne Primary School a few miles away and she loved it there. The headteacher then was Miss Jenny Bowen and she had a soft spot for our Annie. Annies teachers included miss moody too and she loved being taught by a teacher with that name. Annie left Littlebourne at the age of eleven and went to Chaucer Technology School but not for long as I moved to Oxford with her and the other children.
TO BE CONTINUED........................................................................................................................................ 
As i said it is all so very painful at the moment and when i feel stronger i will add to this and tell my story about my beautiful precious daughter who i loved so much. Until then i just pray that she has gone to a better place and is out of all that pain she was in. I miss her so much and they say it gets easier but every day i just miss her more and more and more!!!
Annie was diagnosed with Non Hodgkinsons Lymphoma in 2001 after repeatedly going back to the doctors with breathlessness. The doctor just kept saying she had asthma and then a chest infection but ater three months of backwards and forwards she was diagnosed. Annie went through a long and hard regime of chemotherapy and numerous operations. She was treated at The Royal Marsden in Sutton Surrey and attended the Wolfenstein Childrens unit and it was great because the nurses there were so good to her. Annie hated being in hospital and would always have infections and have to go back in. In 2004 she went into remission and we all thought great she is on the road to recovery. She had plans to become a childrens cancer nurse and applied to go on a course. BANG!!! Annie was now diagnosed with Acute Myloid Luekeamia. What a bloody knock back that was for her. Annie was devastated. Again she started acute treatment but this time she couldn`t go to the childrens centre as she was over 16. She hated the adult ward at the Marsden and she felt so isolated. We were told  she needed a bone marrow transplant to have any chance of beating this. After a long search by the Anthony Nolan Bone mArrow Trust they found a match. Annie went through two weeks of complete isolation prior to the transplant. After the transplant she made an amazing recovery and we thought that this was it. Annie went back to the Marsden to see the consultant and that`s when they told us she was going to die. I cant imagine how scared Annie must have been.
See you again soon x

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RIP Annie
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I lost my daughter Mary Dunn Bagley on March 5th 2008 I understand how hard it is. My daughter d...
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We named Rhiannon after the song by Fleetwood Mac. I remember when we named h...
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Fathers Name: Mark Terrance Cusden
Mothers Name: Michaela Ellen Cusden
Country of Birth: United Kingdom
Country of Residence: United Kingdom
City of Residence: Canterbury
Marital Status: Single



Place of Passing: Home
Date of Passing: 12 October 2005
Cause of Passing: Acute Myloid Luekaemia
Type of Funeral: Burial
Place of Burial: St Nichlas church canterbury
Funeral Date: 22 October 2008
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3,515 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: mac223 on 4 March 2008    |     Back to Top

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