Phillip  Godby's Memorial

Phillip Godby
(1962 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Mr Phillip Godby
Gender: Male
Age: 47 years old
Lived: Sunday, 24 June 1962 - Tuesday, 14 July 2009

My Story

Phillip Alan Godby was born June 24th 1962 to Kenneth Godby and Barbara Ann Hill. He was married to Karen Nix Godby of 23 years. They have 3 beautiful children Phillip Alan Godby Jr, Brandi Deniese Godby and Ashley Hope Godby. Phillip worked in Heating and Air. He was a good service tech. and enjoyed doing his job. He was a friend to many and will be greatly missed. He had alot of family who loved him. Phillip had a pain pill addiction and cried out for help. It was a hard battle for him and got placed on subxone. He suffered depression and all kinds of feelings. His behavior started changing and he took his own life at 47. He died July 14th 2009 to gun shot wound to head. He was a great man and loved by many. It is so sad how he died and couldn't see hope but he lost his personal ambition and drive. Depression was brought on by the pain pill addition and the medicine subxone. It caused him to feel weak and this was a strong man. He will be greatly missed by family and friends.  so if you know somebody with this addiction tell them to stop. He was an intelligent man, who made president list every quarter at college and so full of life and energy. And it's a shame how this addiction  and to get off of it basically changed him into a different person to take his own life. I will always love and miss him dearly. RIP PHILLIP

Latest Tributes

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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: dart5ive
Song Name: Diamond Rio - O...
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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: dart5ive
Song Name: I beleive
Artist: Rio diamond
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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: dart5ive
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: dart5ive
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Fathers Name: Kenneth Godby
Mothers Name: Barbara Ann Hill
Spouse's Name: Karen Godby
Children's Names: Phillip Jr, Brandi and Ashley Godby
Siblings Names: Shelia Morris
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Madison, GA
Occupation: Self-Employment
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: Georgia Bulldogs
Favourite Book: Bible
Favourite Movie: All Drama
Favourite Music Genre: Alternative Rock


Place of Passing: Home
Date of Passing: 14 July 2009
Cause of Passing: sucide
Type of Funeral: cremation
Place of Burial: Godby cementary
Funeral Director: Carter's funeral home
Funeral Location: madison ga
Funeral Date: 16 July 2009
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