Michael J.ames  McKinney's Memorial

Michael J.ames McKinney
(1962 - 2013)


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General Details

Name: Mr Michael J.ames McKinney
Nick Name: Mike
Gender: Male
Age: 50 years old
Lived: Friday, 2 November 1962 - Saturday, 21 September 2013

My Story

Michael(Mike) James McKinney, was borned November 2nd, 1962 in the city of Lawrence Massachusetts were he was raised by his Mother and Father along with his four sisters and a bother. MIchael grew up  being a part of the boys scout's as he worked   his way through grade school were later graduated from the "Greater Lawrence Regional Vocational Technical High School" in 1980 and majored in Autobody. He was also in the Army National Guard, where he did his basic training in Fort Leonard Wood Missouri later to come hom where He worked at Fort Devins. Mike had a variety of jobs throughout his life from fixing on to painting cars, to restaurant management in Bickfords and even worked in construction. Mike loved all of the simple things in life such as cooking,music ,and definetly  the a passion for working on cars, withthis gift he had no problem creating something beautiful out of cars, but still cars was not his best or   most   significant creation. Mike's most   beautiful creation to him was the love of his life, his daughter Cassandra. Through the years it saddened Micheal that he did not have an active relationship with his daughter but that  did not change what he had in his heart for her. Michael loved his family very much and had no problems making friends where ever he went. Although Mike's life was not an easy road to travel on this side of life, and I msut add that none of ours is, Mike always found a way to move forward expecting for better in the days of his life that was ahead of him.

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Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Bluffton
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Separated
Religion: Other


Other Interests:
Auto Body Mechanics and Painting cars.


Date of Passing: 21 September 2013
Funeral Date: 2 October 2013
Our Wishing Well

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745 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: revbennie on 28 September 2013    |     Back to Top

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