Richard M.  Garcia's Memorial

Richard M. Garcia
(1947 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Sir Richard M. Garcia
Nick Name: "Jos'e"
Gender: Male
Age: 62 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 9 September 1947 - Friday, 11 September 2009

My Story

      Richard, "Jos'e" as I managed to almost forever it seemed to know him - Was a tender hearted human  
   being who'm loved life and all those he desided to love.He addored his true blood family,his ancient
   relatives right up through his parents and imediate siblings and their children. His second "home-away-  
   from-home" sort of dear friend laced "freedom-family" of his past lively-hood times reached far & vast. He
   had hundreds of aquaintances,some viewed as more beloved than others, some having known him off &
   on for 30 to 40 years.

      Some of these "old-timer" relationships will always remember with fawness "Jos'e"s company or phone
   calls he would make just to check upon one and to leave them with an :"I Love You, Bro or Sis" ! He was
   a friend that would help one out,(Physically) when you needed some one when in his more younger days.
   In the later, he wanted to be of greater "help" - but his fragality of too many years of addictions to various
   drugs & natural slowing with age would'nt allow him too much energy.Plus,he had both physically and
   mentally been "put through the washing - drying ringer of life" with many psychratric medication happy
   exparimenting psochological PHD's,his own Psychodelic exparimentations from Height & Ashberry late
   60's daze & some physical accidents that left him permanently dissabled,as well.

      He was born of a near all civil-servant schooled family,early on he devaloped slower than his even
   younger siblings and so by family decission he went to live with his Aunty of San Francisco throughout
   most his childhood until he was drafted into the American military.Soon after his tour in Vietnam he had
   returned to Northern California.There, he remained....Only with regards to a few vacations into parts of
   the lower 48 US states for very short travels did he ever again roam.His closest friend's & family that
   continue to recall him will "always" keep him alive in memory. Hopefully, this will save his
   history, atleast what ever that will be that I - A brother of non-blood,but of soul...can muster up to up -
   load and scribble as wittness to his "loving life"...... ?

Latest Tributes

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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: funeralbot
Song Name: "Give Peace A Cha...
Artist: Beattle: John Lenon
View Memorial's Tribute
Your Soul has always been "alive" in your beloved Beattles and Sir John Lenon...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: funeralbot
View Memorial's Tribute
Fly to the four corner's my Brother,your ashes have been scattered & with essance open your Spirit is free from morta...


Fathers Name: Manuel Garcia, Shasta Co.Sheriff Deputy & Beloved Father
Mothers Name: Mrs. Garcia, Home-Maker & Beloved Mother
Spouse's Name: Fianc'e: Marry Fitzgerald
Children's Names: Had addopted 1/2 son,nephews & neices,etc..
Siblings Names: Manuel Jr & John Garcia (Attrny@laws)
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Hayfork/Redding CA.
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Engaged
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Book: Christian Bible among others
Favourite Movie: "One Flew Over the Koo-Koo's Nest", etc.,etc..
Favourite Music Genre: Miscellaneous
Favourite Artist: Janis Joplin - Rock/Blues Singer
Favourite Charity: Family/friend/Dealer
Other Interests:
Flying & or travelling dreams,fishing & camping,coffee/breakfast cooking,spegetti sauce making,testing"funny" brownies,Rainbow Gatherings & Equanox Soccials,215-Legal measures,Fantasizing of psycholelic Timothy Leiry daze on Height & Ashberry in SF,USA & Amsterdam holland.... ....had his Own Ranchett once - 5Acr' place up in the boondocks of NW Siskyou Conty California....Owned a Spread,tractor,farm vehicle's...the whole works !


Place of Passing: At Home, Hayfork , CA. USA
Date of Passing: 11 September 2009
Cause of Passing: "Heart Failure due to malnutrition & over perscribed cancer pain medications"
Type of Funeral: Wake - Dance,Drink & Consort
Place of Burial: Cremation; Ashes Spread unto his favorite places,friends & grave sites of past beloved
Funeral Director: Mr.Jeffry Miller & Family/Friends
Funeral Location: Hayfork's Ballerina Ballroom @ Hayfork Bar
Funeral Date: 17 September 2009
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