Roy James  Currie's Memorial

Roy James Currie
(1928 - 2012)


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General Details

Name: Mr Roy James Currie
Gender: Male
Age: 83 years old
Lived: Monday, 6 August 1928 - Monday, 9 July 2012

My Story

Roy was an amazing man who had great wisdom and a keen knowledge of history and people.

Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: AlanDCurrie
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Dad I went to both yours and mums grave site today. It's a lovely place. I remember when Mum was buried and the sun s...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: AlanDCurrie
View Memorial's Tribute
We all love you Dad and miss you a lot.


Fathers Name: James Livingstone Currie
Mothers Name: Elsie Currie
Spouse's Name: Val Currie
Children's Names: Roy, Alan and Jimmy, Marjorie
Siblings Names: Nanette, Jenny, Ros, Alan
Country of Birth: Australia
Country of Residence: Australia
City of Residence: Frankston
Occupation: Law Enforcement
Marital Status: Widowed
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Swimming
Favourite Team: Bulldogs
Favourite Music Genre: Ambient
Other Interests:
Golf, Tennis


Place of Passing: Frankston Hospital
Date of Passing: 9 July 2012
Place of Burial: Mornington Cemetary
Funeral Director: Nelson Brothers
Funeral Location: Frankston
Funeral Date: 13 July 2012

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2,195 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: AlanDCurrie on 30 December 2014    |     Back to Top