Ryan James  Sanchez's Memorial

Ryan James Sanchez
(1986 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mr Ryan James Sanchez
Nick Name: ~lizard~
Gender: Male
Age: 21 years old
Lived: Saturday, 30 August 1986 - Friday, 23 May 2008

My Story


Ryan James Sanchez went to the Lord his way – living everyday with a passion for life and a sense of humor that filled our lives with joy.  Born on August 30, 1986 to Mario A Sanchez and Stephanie Davis. Ryan was preceded in death by his brother, McKenzie, his Great-Grandmothers Elvira M Sanchez and Irene Clark  and his Great Grandfather Martin Ortega.  He leaves behind memories of his way of life.  With outgoing personality, he never met a stranger.  Loving memories to his Grandmother and Grandfather who help in rearing him in his youth.


Ryan is survived by his Father, Mario A. Sanchez and fianceé Elizabeth Aguirre, Mother, Stephanie Lynn Davis and husband Rick, Brothers – Michael, Mario, and Wilson, Paternal Grandparents Mario and Isabel Sanchez.  Maternal Grandparents Margie and Rex Simmons, Uncle, Roland Sanchez and wife Jennifer, along with stepbrothers, sisters and numerous cousins survive him.

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Fathers Name: Mario A Sanchez
Mothers Name: Stephanie Clark
Siblings Names: Wilson, Michael and Mario R
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Houston
Occupation: Hospitality & Tourism
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Catholic


Favourite Sport: Baseball
Favourite Team: New York Mets
Favourite Music Genre: Rap and Hip-Hop


Place of Passing: Houston, Texas
Date of Passing: 23 May 2008
Cause of Passing: Auto accident
Type of Funeral: Cremation
Place of Burial: N/A
Funeral Director: Hilda Rojas
Funeral Location: Houston Texas
Funeral Date: 29 May 2008
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1,793 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: MarioMSanchez on 20 June 2008    |     Back to Top

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