thinking of you sweetheart xxxx
XX Good morning Angel,Loved with a love beyond all telling,Missed with a grief beyond all tears,To the world you were just one,To us you were all the world.Sending you & your family love always,XX
Goodnight godbless Princess XXXXXX
Good morning Angel,when ties of love are broken,and loved ones have to part,it leaves a wound that never heals,in an ever aching heart.With love always,Sandy XX
sending you some cuddles sweetheart xxxxxx
X??X Good morning Angel,First we had joy and then there was sorrow,How was we to know there would be no tomorrow,All we are left with is our pain,But we know one day we will see you again X??X
XX Good morning Angel,Today we will miss you just like the days before,Today we will love just a lot more,Today we will cry yet once again,Today we will remember you and go down memory lane XX