Sybil  Loudamy's Memorial

Sybil Loudamy
(1926 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mrs Sybil Loudamy
Maiden Name: McKinney
Gender: Female
Age: 81 years old
Lived: Saturday, 24 April 1926 - Monday, 17 March 2008

My Story

• Sybil Elaine Loudamy was born in Dublin, Tx. on April 24, 1926 to Samuel Oscar and Lillian (Richey) McKinney, the youngest of nine children (Clarence, Eva Mae, Clyde, Opal, Madge, Mildred, Bill and Bryan). Grandpa McKinney worked on the railroad, so the family moved to a railroad community called Jake Hammond (named after the man that owned the railroad), which was very near to Desdemona, Tx. My Mom was a beautiful blond-haired shy little girl (her beautiful black hair came about when she was older). At some point, the family moved to Breckenridge, Tx., where she met Luther (Sonny) Loudamy, who by trade was a grocery man, employed at that time by Safeway Stores, Inc. (now owners of Tom Thumb, Simon David, Vons’s and Ralph's). They married on Sunday, March 07, 1947 in the chapel of the First Baptist Church of Abilene. Her sister, Mildred, stood as a witness for her. Mom learned to become the best cook ever and the best Mom ever. Grandpa and Grandma McKinney lived with Sybil and Sonny because my grandmother suffered from congestive heart failure. Tragically, Grandma McKinney passed away Nov. 01, 1950 at the age of 69. My mother, who was only 24 years old at the time, was absolutely devastated. I have often wondered how she was able to live without her Mom. Every year, on Nov. 01, I tried to call her as I knew that she would be feeling sad. Grandpa McKinney died 4 years later, Nov. 27, 1954. Sybil and Sonny moved with their family to various cities (as Safeway transferred managers quite frequently). They lived in San Angelo, Sweetwater, Big Spring, and then finally moved to Arkansas - first Fort Smith and then Springdale. Arkansas is where my own memories began my wonderful Mom. My mom was truly artistic and she enrolled in cake-decorating classes and flower arranging classes. She learned and used that knowledge along with her natural talent of turning anything into a thing of beauty. Once when we were in Springdale, she made three choir boys out of T.V. Guides and styrofoam balls and felt and string. She could do ANYTHING. My Mom stayed at home with me until, at the urging of Sonny's brother Truett, they purchased their own grocery store in Ranger, Tx. in August of 1969. Every morning, Mom would get up and cook breakfast for my Dad (who opened the store at 7:30 a.m. sharp), got me ready for school, took me to school and came home to do some light housekeeping and get ready for her day at the store. She would pick me up in the afternoon and they would work until about 9 o'clock in the evening and she would come home and cook dinner for us. Talk about Superwoman. She was off on Saturdays, but only from the store, because that is when she really got to work on the house. She was an immaculate housekeeper and to this day I have no idea how she maintained the strength for it all. I always thought that she would have been an incredible doctor, because she was so well-know ledged in medicine and care-giving. She truly could do it all. The finest chefs in the world could never cook as well as she did. She made decorating, cooking and being the best Mom ever look easy, although I know that it was not. My Grandma McKinney would have been so very proud of her. Whenever I was trying to figure something out, no matter what it was, if she couldn't think of a solution or a way around it, she would think on it, and soon I would receive a call and she had, in her amazing way, figured out a solution. She was a genius with a mind like a steel trap. She would be talking along sometimes and ask me or my Dad if we remembered this or that, and Dad and I would look at each other, not having a clue. She couldn't believe that we couldn't remember whatever it might be. Sorry, but my memory has never been very good and certainly no comparison to Mom's memory. As I said before, she could always turn anything into a think of beauty. For their birthday and Mother's Day of 2007, I made one rose flower arrangement and one purple/blue flower arrangement for her. They were both "okay". When I came home the next time, she had added, to the purple/blue arrangement this big, beautiful, light blue sunflower. It was exactly what the arrangement needed - it turned from an "okay" arrangement to a "wow" arrangement. See what I mean? She always knew exactly what to do or what to add to make something shine. She loved decorating for Christmas and their house always looked like a winter wonderland at Christmastime. Shortly before Christmas of 1970, she was heartbroken when her cousin and one of her dearest friends, Imogene, passed away – there was only an age difference of six months between them. I cannot even imagine what would have happened to me if I had lost my Mom at that age. Her heart was not in it, but yet she continued on with Christmas. There was always a bounty of food (enough to feed an army). Turkey, ham, dressing (the best you could EVER eat), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, cranberry relish, green goddess salad, coconut pie, butterscotch (mouse) pie, and always a wonderful German Chocolate cake. She did the same thing for all of the holidays. When Dad was diagnosed with dementia and diabetes, she took all of her skills that she had learned throughout her life and applied them to be his caretaker and I know that he would not have lived as long as he did if it had not been for her superb care. She was always youthful and never, ever looked her age and never sounded her age. Many times, someone selling this or that would call and think that she was a young girl. She always reminded me of Betty White on the Golden Girls, not because of the type of character she played on their (because my Mom was the farthest thing from the ditzy character that Betty White portrayed) but only because they looked a bit alike and Mom always had that total innocence about her, although she was a very savvy woman. She is TRULY, the most incredible, smart, talented, kind, loving, moral, beautiful (inside and out) person I have ever known and I am so very lucky and most proud that I am her daughter - Laurie Loudamy

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Stone Memorial Tribute
From: lloudamy
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I I miss you every you always....
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: lloudamy
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I I miss you every you always....
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lloudamy
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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lloudamy
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Well Mom, it was three horrible years ago today on the 17th and it was on Thursday that you were laid to rest. I sti...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: lloudamy
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Thinking of you and Dad on your 64th anniversary...miss you more every day..with much love....
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: lloudamy
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Love you so much, Mom - miss you all of the time.
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: lloudamy
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I miss you, Mom. Love always, Laurie
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: lloudamy
Song Name: String of Pearls
Artist: Glenn Miller
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This was your favorite song, you......
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: lloudamy
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Love you always, miss you so much every day of my were my guiding light, Mom


Fathers Name: Samuel Oscar McKinney
Mothers Name: Lillian Richey
Spouse's Name: Luther F. Loudamy
Children's Names: Laurie Loudamy
Siblings Names: John Clarence McKinney, Eva Mae McKinney Cooper Newell, Clyde McKinney, Opal Pearl McKinney, Madge McKinney McDonald, Mildred McKinney Coley, William B. "Bill" McKinney, Bryan McKinney
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Dublin, Jake Hammond, Breckenridge, Sweetwater, San Angelo, Fort Smith, Springdale, Ranger
Occupation: Self-Employment
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Other Christian


Favourite Sport: Basketball
Favourite Team: La Laker Dallas Mavericks Arkansas Razorbacks
Favourite Music Genre: Miscellaneous
Other Interests:
Cooking, cake decorating, home decorating, being a wonderful mom, caring person


Place of Passing: Ranger
Date of Passing: 17 March 2008
Cause of Passing: Asthma, stroke or heart attack
Type of Funeral: Baptist
Place of Burial: Breckenridge
Funeral Location: First Baptist Church Ranger
Funeral Date: 20 March 2008
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