Bonnie  Archambeault's Memorial

Bonnie Archambeault
(1951 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Mrs Bonnie Archambeault
Nick Name: Bon
Maiden Name: Shaw
Gender: Female
Age: 57 years old
Lived: Thursday, 31 May 1951 - Friday, 8 August 2008

My Story

In 1951, the President was Harry S. Truman,  the minimum wage was $0.75/hr,  and Nat King Cole was singing "Too Young" on the radio. The show " I Love Lucy" was playing on the T.V., and the top book that year was "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. It was 11:43 AM, on Thursday, May 31st of that year, that Bonita Lee Shaw came into the world, sent down from Heaven.
             She was a beautiful baby with innocent, loving eyes, and the soul of an angel. She was the first born daughter of Leon and Eva Shaw, and always had a special place in her Father's heart. The family grew, and Bonnie was a thoughtful, loving big sister who took care of the younger ones when needed. They may not have been rich, but there was always someone to play with, and love all around. The family moved every now and then to a new home. Whether at the cellar hole, or on Sherman street, bonds were formed between them that would last forever.
            Bonnie grew older and while in school was somewhat shy, but had a beautiful smile, and a kind heart. Finally her proud day came when she graduated from high school, and it was time for her to go off into the world. Somewhere along the line she met the man that she would love for the rest of her life. They got married, and together they faced good times, and bad. They had one thing especially in common, the love of their children.
           My mother has had more than her share of pain, and loss, but through it all, she never lost that gentle nature about her. She always put others first, and let you know that she loved you...... unconditionally. Yes my parents argued, and disagreed, like every couple, and sometimes she would be so upset at that man, she'd have daggers in her eyes.  But what confused me at first, was how one minute she was so unhappy over something he did, and the next minute she'd walk up from behind, wrap her arms around him, and lovingly kiss him on the neck. I eventually realized, yes she's unhappy with alot of things, but deep down there was still love there, and always would be.
          My mother as an adult possessed many qualities I wish I could have. She had a way with people, to take a total stranger's hand in hers and tell them to trust in the Lord and that things will be ok. She couldn't tell a lie and she was always giving of herself in one way or another.  My mother always had a way of making me feel better, and when the world was against me, she was always on my side. She found the good in everything, and everyone. 
         Moms greatest passion in life was music. She loved all kinds. Growing up in our house, the radio was always on. And her collection of tapes and cds are endless. Although never published, Mom was a gifted writer. That was her other passion. The name I used by her picture "strongbutsilent" was an online name she came up with for herself to start writing blogs, about a week before she died.  She was very strong, having endured all that she did throughout her life. I can't even imagine.... The last few years of her life, she wanted freedom. Freedom finally......I'm thankful she was able to know, and build relationships with her 2 grandsons. She also has a granddaughter that she can watch over now, anytime she wants. My mother is up in Heaven, watching down on  all of us, protecting us, and all I want to do is try to do my best, so she can be proud, or continue to be proud of me. She's the light on my path, the cool breeze on my face, and the warm glow that will always be in my heart. Someday when it's my turn, I won't have to be afraid, because I know she'll be there waiting, and that gives me some peace.

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Heatherz
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I love and miss you, always & forever mom xx
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Heatherz
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Hi Mom, I know it's been awhile..I've been missing you alot..I love you so much, and things just aren't ever the same...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Heatherz
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Happy Birthday Mom...I love you & miss you so much xx
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Heatherz
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Hi Mom, I know its been awhile since I've left you a message, but you know you're always in my thoughts..I miss you M...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Heatherz
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One year ago tonight Mom, you were here, called me up and we talked for the last time...Your leaving has been the wor...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Heatherz
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I love ya Mom, and missing you...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Hi precious sister..........I miss you so much.... there has been so much sadness..... we are missing you ...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Heatherz
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Hi Mom, I didn't leave a message on the 7th, but u know u were on my mind....I don't know if I'm moving backwards or ...
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: Heatherz
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i love you Grammy & miss you -love tommy hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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dear bon i find myself forgetting and i feel guilty when i think about you i dont forget its just s little differant...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: chegarvick
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Hi Bon............I just love you so much.......Che
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Heatherz
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HI Mom, it's been 8 months seems like forever since I've seen you, heard you, or been able to hug you....As ...


Fathers Name: Leon
Mothers Name: Eva
Spouse's Name: Arthur
Children's Names: Guy, Heather, (B,H)
Siblings Names: Cher,Deb,Judy,Tina,Kim,David,Chip, Bruce, Billy,Johnny
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Plymouth
Occupation: Healthcare & Medical
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Born Again Christian


Favourite Sport: Basketball
Favourite Team: Patriots and the Red Sox
Favourite Book: The Bible. She also loved self-help books, Christian books, and Chicken soup Books
Favourite Movie: Thelma & Louise, Whatever Happened To Baby Jane, You'll Like My Mother, and The Birds
Favourite Music Genre: Rock
Favourite Artist: As in music-Elvis, that was her honey...


Place of Passing: Eden Prairie, Mn
Date of Passing: 8 August 2008
Cause of Passing: Only God truly knows
Place of Burial: New Hope
Funeral Director: Dan Delmore
Funeral Location: Plymouth
Funeral Date: 21 August 2008
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