Skye Bates born asleep 01/02/07 mammy michaella, daddy steve,big brothers jordan, devin & big sister caitlin..born to soon we never got a chance to say hello to you sweetheart.but you will live on in our hearts forever.sweetdreams darling god bless you your the brightest star in the sky love hugs & kisses baby x x x nanna will write because mammy isnt ready yet, wednesday 31st january michaella start to bleed she called the hospital but they said this is normal at 20 weeks that its proberbly nothing to worry about ,but michaella wanted to be seen because she knew it didnt feel right, i went into the room with her as the midwife try to find your heartbeat she said maybe it was the way you were lying why she couldnt find it, so michaella had a scan i could see before they said that there was no heartbeat,then they said the dreaded words we cried together i will never forget these words as long as i live, i then call steve to tell him to come straight away. the doctor came to explain what would happen next, michaella was given a tablet to induce labour, if her labour hadnt started by friday she was told to call them & they would give her a time to go in, we then left the hospital telling the children was also so difficult,but it had to be done.michaella & the children came to stay with me.That night as we sat talking michaellas water broke she didnt have pains just cramp me & steve took michaella to the hospital where we put in a special room, the staff were so nice & very understanding, they then put a drip up to get things moving, its one of the hardest things i have ever had to do, ive watched all my grandchildren come into the world, never expected that one of them wouldnt be staying, you were perfect in everyway when you were delivered on the 1st febuary. after the post portem we were told that your cord had wrapped tightly around your shoulder & neck this is even harder to accept it was a cruel tempt of faith, how we wish you could of stayed, but your now in the hands of god with your great-granda thomas rowell & great nanna olive along with other loved ones. have fun & laughter skye always.. you are very muched love little angel..till we meet again sweetheart sending you so much love,hugs & kisses always x x x x x PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LIGHTS CANDLES OR TRIBUTES/CONDOLENCES.... GOD BLESS