Tyler  Maschmeier's Memorial

Tyler Maschmeier
(1971 - 1993)


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General Details

Name: Tyler Maschmeier
Nick Name: Tide, Toenails
Gender: Male
Age: 22 years old
Lived: Wednesday, 26 May 1971 - Sunday, 19 September 1993

My Story

Tyler Wayne Maschmeier was my brother. 
In life, Tyler was a man, a son, a grandson, a nephew, a cousin, a student, a worker, a comedian, a water skier, a fisherman, a child of God and a friend. 
In death, Tyler is an angel, an uncle, an inspiration, a loving memory and most of all, he is missed everyday.
Tyler was born May 26, 1971 in Beatrice, Nebraska.  I was only 4 at the time, so I don't remember a lot of his very early years but pictures show that I must have been a good big sister because I held him a lot.

When Tyler was young, he was very patient and put up with a lot.  We lived on a farm so he was my only playmate.  My best memories are dressing him up in my dresses and putting his hair in ponytails.  He didn't mind (if he did, he never let on).  Some days, we would just hike in the woods of our acreage all day long.  Climbing on trees, skipping rocks in the pond, and trying to catch frogs.   We even built a private clubhouse and Tyler, of course, was the contractor.  He was always dragging a hammer and a handful of nails everywhere.  

We got along like all brothers and sisters do.  We fought, we played, we tattled on one another, we drove our parents crazy and we shared our dreams.

When we got older, Tyler went from little brother to my friend.  We lost touch with one another while I was in college.  Today, that makes me sad.  But when I moved back to Beatrice, we became close again. 

Tyler graduated from Beatrice High School in 1989.  He was a popular kid with many friends.  He was on the wrestling team, served as vice-president of the student council was and a nominee for the annual Homecoming King honor. 

In 1993, Tyler graduated from Southeast Community College with a degree in Non-Destructive Testing.  I was so proud of him.  While he was in college, he had the opportunity to travel as an intern to South Carolina, Wisconsin and Alabama.  Upon graduation, he was hired quickly by a company based in South Carolina.  Tyler was supposed to start his new career in the state of Maine - September 20, 1993. 

The weekend before his death, I made him go to the Nebraska State Fair with me and my friend Kyla.  (I'm pretty sure Tyler had a crush on Kyla most of his life.)  Anyway, Tyler had been out late the night before, but we made him get up and go with us.   That was such a fun day.  We rode rides and checked out the displays at the fair.  We made Tyler ride in the backseat and listen to Michael Jackson songs in the car.  Looking back now, I am so thankful we didn't let him talk us into leaving him home.  We didn't know it at the time, but that was the last day we would see each other.

One week later, at the age of 22, Tyler lost his life in a auto accident.   He was a very smart young man with so much more life left to live.  However, in his short life, he accomplished so much!  He made his dreams come true.  He had family.  He had so many friends.  He was a college graduduate and he was living the dream.  

Tyler was and is an inspiration to all that knew him.  I hope that everyone has had the opportunity to have a Tyler in their life.

Love You and Miss You Brother!

Cherished Memories Live Forever In Our Hearts.

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: NoQuarter
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Just wanted to let ya know that I remember Tyler. He was a grade ahead of me in high school so I saw him for 2 years...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: KellyJo
Song Name: The Wind Beneath ...
Artist: Bette Midler
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Fathers Name: Wayne Maschmeier
Mothers Name: Pauline Maschmeier
Siblings Names: Kelly
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
Occupation: Engineering


Favourite Sport: Wrestling
Favourite Team: Philadelphia Eagles
Favourite Music Genre: Rock
Favourite Artist: Led Zepplin (maybe)


Place of Passing: Rural Filley Nebraska
Date of Passing: 19 September 1993
Cause of Passing: Automobile Accident
Place of Burial: Evergreen Cemetery, Beatrice, Nebraska
Funeral Director: Paul and Harry Fox
Funeral Location: St. Pauls Church, Beatrice, Nebraska
Funeral Date: 22 September 1992
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