Vaughn  Short's Memorial

Vaughn Short
(1923 - 2010)


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General Details

Name: Mr Vaughn Short
Nick Name: Two Horses, Otis, Unk
Gender: Male
Age: 87 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 20 March 1923 - Tuesday, 16 November 2010

My Story

It began with a little country boy burying his poems in a coffee can.  His life ended the poet laureate of the Colorado River, troubadour of the desert, orator of the mountain tops.  Vaughn lived a long and full life with many adventure.  From the ranch lands of Southeastern Arizona to the pacific shores and back to the lone mountain tops of the desert island ecosystems, but his heart always remained in the red rock canyon country of the Southwest.  Although always remaining loving and loyal to family he wrote about the two lives he lived…

There are two worlds that I know of,
The one down here and the one above.
Between them only one small tie,
We share a strip of their vast sky.

Vaughn was known by many names and known for many a trade.  He was Two Horses, Otis and the World’s Oldest Swamper.  We was a miner, a soldier, a farmer, a laborer, mule skinner and a river runner.  He was a poet.  To his family he was a dutiful husband and a loving dad.  To him he was simply a dreamer…

I’ve always been a dreamer and I suppose I always will
But I really don’t believe that it’s so bad
When I think about the beauty and I think about the thrill
Of all those good times dreaming that I’ve had
For a dreamer lives in beauty and a dreamer lives in peace.

We may find solace when we seek understanding of a soul that has passed beliefs.  Although we walked this life as we know it as a flesh and blood mortal man, Vaughn was in touch with the spirit of nature more than any other we have known…

The earth
The sky
The blue mountains and the flowing streams
The twisted trees and the singing birds, the simple joys
All things beautiful
That is my religion
That is what I believe

At times of passing those left behind are left with tears and grief.  We are left alone with sadness, searching our minds for fond memories to give us comfort.  Vaughn did not wish for sadness or fancy funerals, he left us with words expressing his wishes in passing from this world…

Let not there flow sad tears of grief
Let the eulogies be light and brief.
No sad good-bys, just smile and say hello.
Lord make it simple when I go,
Should to pay homage be someone’s desire
Then let them light a little fire
And watch the embers burn down low,
Lord make it simple when I go.

Those of us who are left behind to bump around a while longer in our flesh and blood can take comport that Vaughn’s spirit is with us.  When we glance at a mountain top, we walk desert trail or feel a cool breeze brush our cheeks his spirit is comforting us.  He runs the rapids with light heartedness and glee.  I vision his soul in his beloved canyon dipping down into the cool waters of the river and soar high among the cliff like a young swallow playing in the sun...

My spirit wanders by your side wherever you do go
On trail it matches stride for stride and basks in your campfires glow
I walk with you in the morning air
I laze with you at noon.
My presence it is everywhere
From rising sun to wandering moon
The beauty of this love of mine
I do my best to share
The desert stark-the stately pine,
The crystal mountain air

It’s the simple memories that we should hold dear to us, that is the way Vaughn lived his life.  We should remember his laugh and smile.  His words of wisdom, that far off look he would sometimes get when you knew his mind had wandered off to some far off red walled canyon…

As I look back o’er time that are past
And fond memories I recall
It’s the little fleeting things that last
Important things are usually small
Dreaming back through many years
Of both happiness and despair
The taste of salty tears-
A caress on silken hair
Laughter on a moon lit walk
Over some silly little rhyme-
Time when there was no need to talk-
A hand tucked snug in mine-
A twinkle in mischievous eye
Above a wrinkled nose
Memory of a tender sigh-
Sweet breast that fell and rose-
So the things that I recall,
The sweetness and the pain
To some would matter not at all
They think of worldly again
Should someone ask “What have you done?”
What accomplishments are there to see?
Why I saw a boat a rapid run,
And Maggie smiled at me

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: BillieM
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I'm certain your creative spirit is spreading throughout the universe and enlightening lost souls. You've only stepp...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Denise51
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But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Denise51
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My little children let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3: 18 Beloved, let...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Denise51
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He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, I will say of the ...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Denise51
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You were the best Santa ever!
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: BigVw137
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Good-bye Grandpa. May angels voices sing thee to thy rest! I will miss you. V
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Denise51
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He was technically my step-father. But he was really my Daddy! I couldn't have had a better daddy! Denise
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Denise51
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Red Rock-it was yours!
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Denise51
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You loved flowers, Daddy, and you were never ashamed to say they were pretty! I miss you! We'll make sure Mom has ...


Fathers Name: Thomas Short
Mothers Name: Era Short
Spouse's Name: (Mary) Louise Short
Children's Names: Guy Tanner, Denise Withrow, Alan Short, Carolyn Short
Siblings Names: Bruce Short, Elaine Thorson
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Tucson
Occupation: Other
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Not Religious



Place of Passing: Tucson, Arizona
Date of Passing: 16 November 2010
Cause of Passing: Natural Causes
Type of Funeral: Private memorial
Place of Burial: Private
Funeral Date: 18 November 2010

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