Benjamin  's Memorial

(2009 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Benjamin
Nick Name: Benji Bear
Gender: Male
Lived: Monday, 17 August 2009 - Monday, 17 August 2009

My Story

Benjamin, born prematurely at 14 weeks and 4 days, a loved and much wanted baby. Sorely missed by mummy and daddy.

You looked so perfect with you transparent skin, tiny fingers and toes. You were so active and strong when you wriggled and waved at us at the 13 week scan just 11 days before. You captured my heart and gave me so much joy in the last four months. I've sent so many prayers for your little life to fight on till the end, my little warrior. You've already changed my world. All my dreams and plans for the future included you, my hope came crashing down when you left. Yet I have to find the peace to let you go, precious little angel.

Psalm 139

13 For thou didst form my inward parts: Thou didst cover me in my mother's womb.

14 I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Wonderful are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well.

15 My frame was not hidden from thee, When I was made in secret, And curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

16 Thine eyes did see mine unformed substance; And in thy book they were all written, Even the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was none of them.

Mummy loves you with all my heart.

Milestones Dates

Egg pick up                   21st May 2009             2 weeks

Blastocyst transfer          26th May 2009  
BFP                             3rd June 2009

First blood test              4th June 2009               3 weeks

Bleed                            19th June 2009            6 weeks 2 days

First Scan                      20th June 2009            6 weeks 3 days

Bleed                            26th June 2009

Bleed                            30th June 2009

First Doppler signal        22nd July 2009           10 weeks 6 days

Blood clot                      29th July 2009           12 weeks

Nuchal scan                   6th August 2009         13 weeks

Angel date                    17th August 2009        14 weeks 4 days

Morphology scan            17th September 2009    19 weeks

EDD                            11th February 2010

Just Those Few Weeks

For just those few weeks
I had you to myself.
And that seems too short a time
to be changed so profoundly.
In those few weeks,
I came to know you...
and to love you.
You came to trust me with your life.
Oh what a life I had planned for you!
Just those few weeks...
when I lost you,
I lost a lifetime of hopes,
plans, dreams and aspirations.
A slice of my future simply vanished overnight.
Just those few weeks...
It wasn't enough time to convince others
how special and important you were.
How odd, a truly unique person has recently died
and no one is mourning the passing.
Just a mere few weeks..
And no "normal" person would cry all night
Over a tiny unfinished baby,
or get depressed and withdraw day after endless day.
No one would, so why am I??
You were just those few weeks, my little one.
You darted in and out of my life too quickly.
But it seems that's all the time you needed
to make my life richer
and to give me a small glimpse of eternity.

Poem by S Erling

Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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Remembering you on your angelversary my little baby. Mummy misses you xoxoxo.
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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Love you. Wish you were here. XOXO
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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Hugs from Mummy and Aloise. Miss you.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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Happy Angel Day my firstborn son. Hugs and cuddles from mummy and your new little sister. xoxo. Forever in our hearts.
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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Mummy loves you. Sending you hugs and kisses on your second birthday.
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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cont'... Tears flowed my heart broken, Sorrow and grief abundance, My spirit crushed, My future dim. You wou...
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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Tribute to My Angel My little boy who came before you were due, Born asleep never woken to this cruel world, You...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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I think of you often Shedding tears on my pillow Remembering your tiny bruised arm Lying alone in the garden. I...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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My baby my dream Oh this very day last year You left my womb in such a hurry Just barely three months you graced u...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: AliceMaiken
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Rest in peace<3 xxx
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: katma
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Mummy is thinking of you little angel. xoxo
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: ozynigma
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Your mummy and I are both missing you on your due birthday. Love from Daddy


Fathers Name: Howard
Mothers Name: Minli
Siblings Names: Frosty, Alyssa, Ashton, Aloise
Country of Birth: Australia


Other Interests:


Place of Passing: Sunnybank Private Hospital
Date of Passing: 17 August 2009
Cause of Passing: Miscarriage cause unknown
Place of Burial: Home
Funeral Date: 18 August 2009
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