xander  glover's Memorial

xander glover
(2005 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: xander glover
Nick Name: z
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Lived: Wednesday, 1 June 2005 - Sunday, 24 August 2008

My Story

Our son Xander Thomas Glover was a very loving child. He was our little clown, the life of our family. He loved playing with his brothers and his friend Brody. He loved animals, trucks, trains, playing cowboys, and playing monster with his daddy. He liked to watch the Rifleman with his big brother and daddy. He liked to wrestle with his daddy and brothers. Xander and his daddy had imaginary buttons on their arms. Xander would run up to daddy and push the button and daddy would turn into a monster and roar and chase Xander. Xander would run and laugh until he could “sneak up” to daddy and push the button again and daddy would say “Xander” and Xander would run up to him saying “daddy your back” and give him a big hug. They would repeat the process until daddy got tired. A week before his demise Xander had an imaginary bird and he would share with anyone that he could. He was and is the life and entertainment of our family. Xander was a very adventurous little boy, you had to keep your eye on him all the time. Xander liked to help mommy clean the house which was great because most of the messes came from him. Xander would help me take the clothes from the washer and put them into the dryer he would then put the fabric sheet into it and close the door for me. Xander would help me put the dirty clothes into the washer than throw the fabric ball into it for me. Xander would clean the glass on the coffee tables and help me vacuum. Xander liked to drink his bath water and I would say oh no gross do not do that and he would laugh and have a grin from ear to ear and repeat it. Everyone knows that I was kind of trying to potty train him but the funny thing is that when it was time for a bath he would make ten trips to the bedroom piling as many cars as he could into his hands and then dumping them into the tub and each time smiling and telling me truck. But I did not know what he did with them afterwards until one day I was cleaning and just happened to raise the seat on his potty chair and there were all the cars that he was using at bath time. It shows how hard I was trying to get him potty trained. Me or daddy could walk out of the room for ten minutes and walk back in and he would come running up wrap his arms around our legs and say mommy or daddy your home and that he loved us. It gave you that very warm feeling every time. If he did not get his way he would cross his arms and say “your mean” and stomp off to his room, but five minutes later for no reason he would come running out of his room smiling and laughing and jump into your arms like nothing ever happened at all and say “I love you”. He loved staying up late and watching kitty kat and doo with mommy and eating toast. He would get his own tea and spilling half the pitcher in the refrigerator and then grab a towel trying to clean it up. He would be so proud of himself, not knowing that he just made a bigger mess for mommy to clean up. He was one in a million. He had a different facial expression for everything. Ben and Cole would always get so tickled at him for that. He liked sneaking up on papa and twisting his ears. Or going outside with papa and pulling weeds. Xander would stuff his pockets with rocks till he could not fit anymore than fold his shirt and use it. He loved to get into mommy’s spices and pour them into the carpet or anything else he could find. If he got caught doing something he knew he should not be doing he would run as fast as he could and hide under his bed and you would have to climb under it to get him out. Xander did not want to be potty trained at all, he wanted to stay mommy’s little baby as bad as mommy wanted him to. Xander hated any kind of music on in the vehicle or at home he would throw a fit until you turned it off. But we test drove a Durango and it had a sun roof. Jarrett opened up the sun roof and turned on the radio and the first thing on was rap, Jarrett went to change the station and Xander threw the biggest fit, we had to leave the sun roof open and listen to the rap until we were done test driving the vehicle. Jarrett would always tease Xander about his food and tell him to give it to him so Xander out smarted him when Jarrett would tell Xander to give him his food Xander would lick it and then offer it to him. Any one that knows Jarrett knows that he will not eat or drink after anyone. Xander would catch his daddy not looking and would sneak drinks out of his cup and then put his hands on his hips and smile a smile like I got away with it this time. I achieved it. If you did something that he did not like he would cross his arms and say “I am going to go tell mommy or daddy” and stomp off to us. If it was his brothers he would just say “I’m telling” and he would come and say his peace. Darin did something that he did not like and Xander wacked him in the head with a dresser drawer and split his head open, Xander was a very tough baby. When his cousin Chase would come down he would ask if Xander was going to be there because Xander cornered him with a play wheel barrel and was trying to beat him with it. We would go over to Prissys house and he would move all her stuff off of her table in her living room so he could play cars, her house is the only house he would gently take stuff off of the table anywhere else he would use his arm and sweep it off into the floor. Xander and Brody were good friends but either they fought or played you never knew what was going to happen. We would go to Wal-Mart and  Xander would run to one of the clothes racks and hide and then switch between all of them and as he was doing this he would take his shoes off so after I would find him I would have to go and track down his shoes and finally put him into the basket. Veronica was telling me a story about when she babysit him for us. She said that Xander was so heavy that she would have to pick up one leg at a time to change his diaper. Xander loved giving aunt Debbie a hard time and vise versa they would sit there and just laugh and play he loved it when he got all of her attention. This is one of Prissys fond memories that I am about to share with you. Xander had a little red wagon and Xander and Brody would fill it up with sand and rocks than Xander would pull Brody everywhere in the wagon. This is some of my memories of it when Xander was tired of pulling Brody he would either put his hands on his hips and blow out some air like he was exhausted or just push Brody out of it and climb into it. We all have our special memories of him. This is from Grand-ma Donna: Like his older brothers he was full of life, energy, and imagination. Xander could bring out the best and less often sometimes the worse with his little antics. Like his love for his imaginary bird that he held  gently and lovingly in his little chubby hands and sharing it with mommy or nanny, whoever wanted  to hold it, or an unexpected bonk on the head of one of his brothers or cousins with a toy when he did not get his way. He loved and looked up to his brothers and wanted to do and be what they were. He was the glue that bound our family together and made us one-finished and like the permanent black lines he drew on his Grandma Donna’s bedroom walls he will always be part of our heart and his memory never erased.


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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: xandersmom
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Hey there little man. I just wanted to let you know that maybe we can get this silly law changed. News channel 10 is ...
Heart Memorial Tribute
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for an angel
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: xandersmom
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Hi my little monkey! I just wanted to say that I love and miss you so very much. You are in my memories at all times ...


Fathers Name: Jarrett
Mothers Name: Jamie
Siblings Names: Austun, Darin, Drayke
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
City of Residence: Guymon


Favourite Sport: Running
Favourite Book: scooby-doo
Favourite Movie: scooby-doo, tom and jerry
Favourite Music Genre: Other


Place of Passing: Guymon, Okla
Date of Passing: 24 August 2008
Cause of Passing: car wreck
Place of Burial: Guymon
Funeral Director: Bunch and Roberts
Funeral Location: Guymon
Funeral Date: 9 September 2008
Our Wishing Well

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